Cross-Cultural Communication

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Why Culture Difference

There are various cultures in the world. Why do people have different cultures? Why isn't the world standardized? Because culture is a bunch of information and mental activities.

Why Culture Difference

There are various cultures in the world. Why do people have different cultures? Why isn't the world standardized? Because culture is a bunch of information and mental activities.
Culture will be transmitted to various people by becoming character information. There are a variety of languages in the world. It is difficult to transmit culture if people do not understand the language. You can tell the culture in different regions by translating or replacing the words. However, by translating or replacing, the culture can be deformed or changed.
Culture changes or stays depending on moral, religion and beliefs of people.
Culture also makes various changes by region, by age, by gender, and by organization. And the new culture is created there.
When you contact with people of different regions, different ages, the opposite gender, or different organization, you will be aware that there are different cultures from yours.
Culture is created one after another. Created culture is transmitted, severed, and change. You will discover the common values in different cultures. Also, you will find significant differences in the same cultural sphere. Those are the parts of a larger wave of culture.

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Culture is

Meaning of Culture
Culture is shown by turning things into sentences. Culture stands for mental activities of people that are written mainly by words. Culture is things and activities created in order to develop and enhance the life of people.
Why Culture Difference
There are various cultures in the world. Why do people have different cultures? Why isn't the world standardized? Because culture is a bunch of information and mental activities.
The Role of Culture
Culture plays a variety of roles for people living in society. People's behaviors are affected by culture. Culture will change societies and the entire country. Here we mention about the role that culture has.


Communication is
Communication is referred to transmit information. In broad meaning that is to interact with people through the exchange of information. Sharing the information will be also included in the communication.
Verbal or Nonverbal
There are two ways of communication. The way by the language, and the way hat do not depend on the language. People make communication not only by using language conversation, but by using nonverbal conversation.
Mechanism to "Misunderstand"
People will misunderstand. People do misunderstanding in everyday life, at work, on watching TV, and on reading books. Where there are communications, there are misunderstandings. But sometimes misunderstandings cause serious problems.

Mutual Understanding

Eliminating the Preconceptions and Prejudice
Knowing the different cultures and learning the communication have very important meaning. In the world, there are a lot of people with different birthplaces, different growth environments, and different thoughts.
Improve Favorable Impression
The so-called selfish people do not try to understand others. They do not think of others. And yet, they are sad saying "people do not understand me."


Who am I
When you communicate with people who have different cultures, sometimes you would feel your own identity strongly quiver. It may make you to have a fundamental question for yourself.
Proud of Your Culture
Exchanges with different cultures are the places of various discovery, and also are the places of representation. By cross-cultural communication you can know the culture that you did not know, and you will be able to express your culture.

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