
Health/Medical/Learning/Self-Improvement Articles --- Good English Conversation School --- English is not the one

English is not the one

English conversation is one of the conversation method. Conversation is communication mainly using words. English conversation is not the one as any conversation is not the one. As there is no correct answer in the conversation, there is no correct answer also in English.

English is not the one

English conversation is one of the conversation method. Conversation is communication mainly using words. English conversation is not the one as any conversation is not the one. As there is no correct answer in the conversation, there is no correct answer also in English.
Conversation is the catch of words. There are opponent and myself. Conversation consists only each other work collaboratively. This is mistake if you think there is one answer or one method to the conversation. There are techniques and know-how, practices certain ways in the same way as catch. However, the answer to conversation is not a one.
There may be a variety of conversation ways. And you find out and make it yours good conversation methods in to a lot of conversation.
English conversation is nothing special. The language to use is English. But the attitudes and values of opponents are diversified.
There are various local rules and manners in speaking, that you must master.
But the most important thing above anything else is to think opponents to speak with, so that you can make a good word catch-ball for comunication.
Your opponents may know well about yourself and your country, and may not. Searching what they know and what they do not konw, and trying to understand opponents, you proceed to make conversation.
If you do not understand, you may be better to ask even your opponents is speaking. It depends on time and occasion. But you would be better to resolve any misunderstandings during conversation.
Remember, the anser is not one in English conversation.

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Japanese and English Conversation

Fear of Speaking in English
It seems that many Japanese people are reluctant in speaking in English. There are many Japanese who thinks not good at English. Now you can learn English very easily compared with before. You can get English texts and materials easily at bookstore or through internet.
Why English Conversation
Why do Japanese learn English conversation after they start to work? What are their objectives? How come they made up their minds to learn English conversation and start to go to the schools.
Why at School
Now Japanese people can hear and speak English at many places. We can say the present time is the easiest time ever to learn foreign languages. But may Japanese people learn English conversation at some private schoools.
Conversation with Natives
It is said that speaking with natives will help to get shortcut way to improve English conversation skills. Go to the English conversation school, and you will get lessons that you can speak with native English speakers.
The Need of English Grammer
I will say Japanese people too much stick to English grammar. Leaning by decomposing English sentences as if they are chemical symbols and formulas is adopted well in Enlish learning at high school or college exams.
English is not the one
English conversation is one of the conversation method. Conversation is communication mainly using words. English conversation is not the one as any conversation is not the one. As there is no correct answer in the conversation, there is no correct answer also in English.
Appearance and True Mind
"Honesty and Facade" is the expression that there are differences between what people think and speak. Honesty is feeling and thinking of true mind. Facade is appearance viewd from outside.

Good English Conversation School

Roadmap to Achieve Target
There are reasons for those who start to learn English conversation at schools. Some have clear objectives and targets, some started to learn English with vague feelings.
Stretch Advantages
So as to improve communication skills, it is very effective to stretch the advantages. Every single person has his or her unique character, and each has his/her own advantages.
Compensate for Disadvantages
Each person has each character. Some characters would be good for conversation. Some would not. There are various people with various characters, making communication saying various things. Communication is highly dependent on characters of people to communicate.
Joyful Conversation
English conversatin is conversation. Basically, talking with someone should be joyful. Conversation in English is not necessarily difficult matter nor tough thing, but something you can enjoy.
Trouble Shooting
English conversation skill helps us Japanese in business communication with foreign people and travelling in overseas. Speaking English is a kind of status for Japanese business people.

Is English Conversation Useful?

Means for Communication
Is learning English an objective? Or is English conversation is no more than one of the means for communication? If askes such questions, maybe most of you would answer "English conversation is one of the means for communication".
Problem is NOT English
Why do Japanese business people go to English conversation school to learn English? What are the problems of Japanese people's English communication skills? What do they notice in learning at school? What will the English school help?
Should Learn from Childhood?
Children English conversation classes are increasing in Japan. Learning English from childhood is said very effective since children has soft and active brain. Recently many English schools start class for zero years old babies for English conversation.

What to Obtain

Dignity of English Conversation
English is often used to communicate with foreign people. Since English is global language, you can communicate with people in USA, Englans, and many other countries using English at travel, in businesses.
Customer Language
Many Japanese people learn English for business objectives. It is a kind of investment for themselves. Pay money to the school, master business English skills, then use the skill so as to make money.
Thought, Culture, and Background
Why do Japanese learn English "conversation" at school afte we start to work? What can we see by doing conversation. What can we obtain and master by English conversation.
Make Money English Conversation
To go to an English conversation school is, so to speak, self-investment. Self-investment is to invest money and time to improve your skills because you expect income increase in the future. Normally, people investing are expecting future profits.
Conversational Skill for Love Affair
A good way to learn through English conversation is to have conversation skills for love. Even though it is embarrassing and difficult to say when it is in Japanese, it can be said that it is easy to say in English conversation surprisingly.

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