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What is Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels increase chronically. The blood sugar level is a numerical value that expresses the content of glucose dissolved in the blood. Leaving high blood sugar can cause serious symptoms.

What is Diabetes

Diabetes is named because urine, which is high in sugar, is discovered as a disease. The high content of sugar in urine indicates that excess glucose has been excreted in the body, so it can be estimated that there is too much glucose in the blood.
In practice, the accuracy of urine tests for detecting diabetes is not good enough. If you eat too soon, you may be caught by the test, or you may not be able to detect patients with advanced diabetes.

Blood glucose is measured by directly collecting blood. In the past, it was not possible to measure blood without collecting a considerable amount of blood, but recently it is possible to measure blood glucose accurately even with a small amount of blood.

Blood sugar levels can vary significantly between time of day and before and after meals. In order to get a more accurate blood glucose level, it is measured several times before meals, after a certain period of time after meals, or before going to bed, and compared with normal values. Diabetes is judged comprehensively based on those measurements.
High blood sugar levels can slow blood flow and gradually affect the retina and peripheral nerves. Leaving blood sugar elevated for years can cause a variety of complications, including blindness and peripheral nerve disease. Diabetes may include these complications.

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About Diabetes

What is Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels increase chronically. The blood sugar level is a numerical value that expresses the content of glucose dissolved in the blood. Leaving high blood sugar can cause serious symptoms.
Why Diabetes is Scary
Why is diabetes being a scary disease? What are the fears of diabetes and what to watch out for? Here we will examine the fear of diabetes.
Causes of Diabetes
What is the cause of diabetes, which is said to cause blood sugar to rise without noticeable symptoms and cause various complications if left unchecked? Why do people get diabetes?
Diabetes Measures
Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels rise above the normal range and become chronically high. As a countermeasure for diabetes, it is first necessary to lower the blood sugar level, which has become high. There are various ways to lower blood sugar.
Diabetes Prevention
Diabetes is a disease that causes various complications due to a high blood sugar level. Diabetes is often influenced by long-standing lifestyle habits. It is important to review your daily lifestyle to prevent diabetes.

Diabetes and Diet

Constitution and Diet
Each person has a constitution. Some constitutions are inherited from parents by inheritance, while others are built on long-standing lifestyle habits. Your daily eating habits may make you more susceptible to diabetes.
Sports and Diabetes
Sports people seem to be healthy and unrelated to illness. However, there are many cases where sportsmen have diabetes. Even if you exercise daily, you need to be aware of diabetes.
Saliva, Gastric Juice and Diabetes
Saliva and gastric juice are secreted into the mouth and stomach to digest and absorb what you eat. What is eaten by the secretion of saliva and gastric juice is effectively absorbed, becomes glucose, and raises the blood sugar level in the body.
Carbohydrates and Diabetes
It is said that if you take too much carbohydrates, you are more susceptible to obesity and diabetes. It has been pointed out that refraining from carbohydrates in everyday diets can also prevent obesity and diet. Carbohydrates are also associated with diabetes.
Sweets and Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that causes various complications due to chronically high blood sugar levels. Speaking of diabetes, I think that people who eat a lot of sweet foods are likely to become. But what about it?

Diabetes Diet

Eat Three Meals Regularly
It is important to eat three meals regularly in the diet of diabetes. Skipping meals or irregular meal times can make diabetes even worse. There is a reason why eating three meals regularly is important.
Avoid Greasy Things
One of the characteristics of people who have diabetes is that they like greasy things. People who eat a lot of greasy foods are susceptible to not only diabetes but also various adult diseases. As a countermeasure for diabetes, it is necessary to improve the eating habits that prefer greasy foods.
Rapid Changes in Blood Sugar
When you have diabetes, your daily struggle with blood sugar begins. In order to lower the blood sugar level to within the normal range, we will ask you to prescribe drugs and take measures by eating and exercising. Even so, you need to be aware of sudden changes in blood sugar levels.
Don't Eat at Night
After three meals in the morning, noon, and dinner, do not eat anything until you go to bed. The basic diet for diabetes is to eat three meals a day regularly, and to eat nothing after dinner until bedtime.
Snack Restrictions
Dietary treatments for diabetes are said to eat three meals regularly and limit snacks. The idea is to avoid eating extra calories by snacking.

Diabetes Prevention and Diet

Meat and Vegetable Balance
A review of your diet is essential to preventing diabetes. To control your blood sugar, you need to be careful about the balance between meat and vegetables. Once you have diabetes, you will need to have very strict dietary restrictions.
Beer and Dinner
Working can be stressful. Sometimes you want to drink beer and dispel melancholy. If you get hungry in the middle of the night, you will want to eat a snack. However, beer and snacks can sometimes have a negative effect on the body.
Beware of Changes in Constitution
Human constitution changes. Dietary habits that were fine when you were young will cause various problems as you age. In order to maintain a healthy state, it is important to change your diet while paying attention to changes in your constitution.
If You Like Sweets
It's just called diabetes, so you think that taking too much sugar seems to be the cause of the disease. In fact, if you like sweets and eat them well, you may be threatened with "you will get diabetes." If you like sweets, you worry.
Family Affection and Cooperation
Diabetes treatment and prevention requires steady and continuous efforts. Family love and cooperation are crucial to helping them work hard. Help each other and encourage each other.

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