
Reality Management Theory --- Risk


Business is risky. Business owners want to avoid risk as much as possible. However, to achieve great success, we must not just run away from risks. For business success, managers must face risks and think about how to manage them. Underestimating or overestimating risks will prevent us from responding appropriately. But the biggest danger is that managers are unaware of the risks.


Risk means danger. Risk is inherent in business. As a manager, in order to deal with risks, it is necessary to take out insurance, avoid the risks themselves, or be ready to deal with them quickly when they occur.
The purpose of getting insurance is to avoid paying all the risks that may occur in the world, such as traffic accidents. Avoiding the risk itself is for safety. Being able to respond quickly when a risk occurs is to minimize the damage.
Action Risk: Any action carries a risk. If you go on the road, you may get into a traffic accident. Complaints may come after the product is sold. You may also be a victim of theft or fraud. When you do something, there is some kind of risk lurking there.
Risk of inaction: There is risk in inaction. If you don't advertise, you won't get customers. If you don't keep in touch with existing customers, they may go to rival companies before you know it. The risk of inaction is one that managers often overlook.
Risk of being left behind: The world changes. Times change. If you keep doing the same thing, you will gradually be left behind the times. Managers also need to pay close attention to the risk that their companies will gradually fall behind the times.
Risk of being caught up in the times: It's not uncommon for a boom to end quickly if you jump into something new just to keep up with the times. Because we try to keep up with the changing times, we are forced to dance with the times, and as a result, we end up with nothing. It is important to be sensitive to the changes of the times, but we must always be careful not to misjudge the essence and not be swayed by the times.

Merchant's Rules

As a manager, you must always be aware that you are a merchant. Be humble, lower your back, considerate, and aware of customer behavior and changes. Our business is successful only when we are pleased with our customers and chosen by them. In order to succeed in business, first and foremost, it is necessary to manage the business so that it will be chosen by customers. In order to be chosen by customers, it is important to know the iron rules of merchants and to practice them firmly.

Money Rules

Business owners must learn about money and know its cardinal rules. As you run your business, you have to be careful with your money, be prepared for risks, be cautious and bold. Money is the energy that drives business. Where and how energy is used can greatly change the course of business. In order to succeed in business, it is necessary to know the cardinal rules of money and to practice those cardinal rules firmly.

Management Rules

Managers must learn about management and know its cardinal rules. Management is the management of money, people and information to run a business. You can't run a business without knowing how to manage money, how to move people, and how to manage information. In order to utilize money, people, and information to maintain and develop a business, it is essential to know the iron rules of management and to practice those iron rules firmly.

Iron Rule Breaking Iron Rule

Managers must know the iron rules of management and must practice those iron rules firmly. At the same time, managers must "break iron rules". The world is not an easy place to run a business just by following the golden rules. Managers need to dare to break iron rules and run their businesses in an insane way. There are iron rules for breaking iron rules. In order to succeed in business, let's know the cardinal rule of breaking the cardinal rule.

Admit to Being a Fool

Managers should never be satisfied with their abilities, powers, or the status quo. You have to realize that there are people who have better ideas than you think, people who have more power than you, and there is a world above your current situation. Acknowledging that you are an idiot is a necessary condition for being a manager. In order to always aim for the top, let's realize that we are fools and keep learning.


People are the most important thing in business. Managers must listen carefully to what people say and observe what people do. People's thoughts and actions greatly affect the direction of business. A manager's value is determined by how deeply he or she listens to what people have to say. You can also find business tips by observing how people behave.


We live in some society. When you start a business, you have to observe and understand the society you live in. The rules, mechanisms, and structures of society have a great impact on business. Managers must have a good understanding of how society works and use the know-how effectively in their business. At the same time, managers are required not to overlook changes in society.

State and Politics

Business is greatly influenced by the state and its politics. States and their politics can sometimes act against business. Even so, managers shouldn't just complain about the country and politics. Rather, they must devise ways to develop business successfully within the nation and its politics. The state and politics have a great impact on business, so managers need to pay close attention to their movements.

International Affairs

Business is often greatly influenced by international affairs. Not only industries that are strongly influenced by foreign countries, such as trade, tourism, and airlines, now most businesses cannot avoid being affected by the international situation. Managers must keep an eye on the international situation and its changes, and must quickly respond to those changes to transform their businesses.


Business is risky. Business owners want to avoid risk as much as possible. However, to achieve great success, we must not just run away from risks. For business success, managers must face risks and think about how to manage them. Underestimating or overestimating risks will prevent us from responding appropriately. But the biggest danger is that managers are unaware of the risks.


Managers must learn about intelligence and use it to develop their businesses. Knowledge and information are not useful for business on their own. In order to successfully utilize information in business, there must be intelligence. Let's learn the basics of intelligence firmly in order to succeed in business.

Japanese Management

Japanese management means peaceful and friendly management. Listening to people, helping each other and cultivating a sense of camaraderie, respecting people's intentions, and moving forward with big dreams, slightly higher goals, and lower quotas. The point of Japanese management is not only to bring out the abilities of people, but also to increase the number of collaborators through mutual help and camaraderie. Managers should learn Japanese management and aim to create a cohesive organization.


In business, it's important not to lose sight of reality. If you turn your eyes away from reality, you can't even grasp exactly what's going on. You can't make the right decisions if you don't know the reality. By seeing the reality firmly, you can see what you should do now. In order to move the business in a better direction, it is necessary to look at the reality firmly.

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