About Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Corporate Action Policy --- 13 CLIMATE ACTION
The 13th SDGs is “Take concrete measures against climate change”. The goal is to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. Climate refers to the average conditions such as temperature, humidity, weather, and precipitation. For example, if the average temperature in a certain area gradually changes, the crops that can grow in that area will change. Extreme changes in precipitation have various impacts on living organisms and human life. The goal is to take concrete action against climate change that has a large impact.
Our lives are affected by the climate. Crops and livestock are also affected by climate. In order for us to live a stable life every day, it is necessary for the climate to be stable to some extent. If the climate changes drastically, it may not be possible to live the way we used to.
In recent years, it is said that the climate is greatly affected by the progress of technology, rapid industrialization, and rapid development of industry, and by mass production, mass consumption, and overdevelopment by human beings. Human activity is a major factor in climate change.
In order for our lives to be stable and sustainable, there is a growing belief that human activities that affect the climate should be reviewed to prevent extreme climate change.
Companies will be increasingly required to review their business activities that may affect climate change, and to support or participate in activities to combat climate change.
In addition, the United Nations has set five specific targets for "concrete measures against climate change." In order to actually achieve the goals of "Take specific measures against climate change," let's take a look at these targets and think about them.
It is about building resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related and natural disasters. Climate-related disasters include heat waves, cold weather, floods, heavy rains, heavy snows, and droughts. Natural disasters include eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis.
As a company, it is important to prepare for disasters, such as stockpiles and disaster prevention tools, and to prepare manuals and conduct training so that you can respond appropriately when a disaster occurs. Participating in local disaster prevention activities will also be an effective contribution activity.
It describes the incorporation of climate change countermeasures into national policies, strategies and plans.
As a company, it is necessary to understand the policies, strategies, and plans of your own country and the countries where you are expanding overseas, and to formulate a business plan that responds to climate change countermeasures.
It is about education, awareness raising, human and institutional capacity building. There are various opinions and discussions about climate change, and it is difficult to judge what is the right education and what is the right awareness-raising activity. However, some education and awareness-raising will be required.
From now on, it will be important for companies to check the status of education and awareness-raising activities on climate change in the nation and the international community, and to provide feedback on employee education and awareness-raising and business activities.
Here it is written about the Green Climate Fund as an aid to developing countries.
As a company, when expanding into developing countries, it may be better to pay close attention to trends in these funds.
Here, it is written about the promotion of climate change-related capacity building mechanisms for the least developed countries.
As a company, it may be a good idea to think of one way to contribute to the SDGs, such as supporting the promotion of climate change-related capacity building mechanisms as part of assistance to least developed countries.
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