About Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Corporate Action Policy

About Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Corporate Action Policy --- 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION


The 6th SDGs is "Safe water and toilets all over the world". The goal is to "ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". It says "safe", but the original text says "clean" (does not contain harmful substances such as bacteria or dirt). Water is a liquid that becomes essential for life on the planet Earth as it rains, creates rivers, ponds and lakes, and circulates while being purified. Toilet is a toilet bowl, but the original text says sanitation instead of toilet. Hygiene refers to efforts to prevent disease and maintain health, and refers to protecting people from threats to health through the treatment of sewage, waste, and sewage. Ensuring clean water and good sanitation is very important for people's lives and health.


For some reason in the SDGs written in Japanese, clean is translated as "safe" and sanitation is translated as "toilet". Cleanliness and safety are not equal, and building toilets alone does not mean hygiene, so here we will look at the contents while referring to the English notation.
Water circulates on Earth. When it rains, it forms rivers, ponds and lakes before flowing into the sea. Sunlight evaporates water from the land and sea, forms clouds in the air, and then falls back to the earth as rain. The circulation of water maintains the richness of the land and sea, enabling us to live.
It is said that if water does not flow, it will rot. Various problems arise where water does not circulate. Water shortages or droughts, water pollution, floods, etc. are likely to occur where there is an abnormality in the water cycle. Also, pumping up too much groundwater due to water shortages can cause land subsidence. Nature is in a delicate balance, and large-scale development work in one place can degrade the water environment in another place, some distance away.
Having clean water is very important for our survival. Also, even if water is available, if the sanitation environment is poor, people are more likely to get sick and their lives are threatened. To ensure clean water and sanitation, it is not enough to simply mass-produce water-filled PET bottles and build toilets. What is important is not to deteriorate the circulation of water, and to help the circulation of water so that people can continue to live healthy and sustainable lives according to the laws of nature.
Large-scale environmental pollution due to overdevelopment and the emergence of refugees due to wars and civil strife, including civil wars, are emerging as the causes of water and sanitation problems. People's livelihoods are threatened when the water circulation system is disturbed by overdevelopment, and when water becomes drinkable due to environmental pollution. War also creates refugees. Refugee camps often have insufficient water supplies and sanitary environments, and many people suffer from water shortages and die from disease. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to supply water and toilets, as well as to eliminate overdevelopment and warfare, which are the causes of these problems.
In business, too, water and its circulation must be valued. It is important not only to avoid overdevelopment that destroys the environment, but also to follow the law of nature and prevent deterioration of the water cycle. In addition, it would be desirable to understand the current situation not only in the area where the company is active but also in overseas countries, etc., and to support activities for improvement.
The United Nations has set eight specific targets for "safe water and toilets around the world." In order to actually achieve the goal of "safe water and toilets around the world", let's take a look at these targets and think about them.

6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all

Universal, fair, and affordable access to safely managed water services is fundamental and important for people's lives. In Japan, people tend to think that tap water is safe and drinkable, but that is not necessarily the case around the world. Even in Japan, there are concerns about the stable supply of tap water, such as aging water pipes.
As a company, it would be good to reaffirm the importance of "safe water" and raise the awareness of valuing water throughout the company. In addition, it may be a good idea to secure a stockpile of water in preparation for problems with tap water due to disasters such as earthquakes. In addition, it would be good to understand the current state of water supply in overseas expansion and support activities to improve it.

6.1 Draft Course of Action
・"We will create a corporate activity policy to cherish water and its circulation within the company. We will also grasp the current situation of water supply in overseas expansion destinations and support activities to improve it."

6.2 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations

Equal access to adequate sanitation and sanitation services is also as fundamental and important to people's livelihoods as water services. In recent years in Japan, it is common for people to have toilets in their homes and use clean public toilets when they go outside, so it is not uncommon to defecate in the open.
As a company, we should reaffirm the importance of "ensuring a hygienic environment" and raise awareness of the importance of safety and cleanliness throughout the company. In addition, it may be a good idea to secure an emergency toilet in case there is a problem with tap water due to a disaster such as an earthquake. In addition, it would be good to understand the current state of the sanitary environment in overseas expansion and support activities to improve it.

6.2 Draft Course of Action
・"We will create a corporate activity policy that places importance on ensuring a hygienic environment within the company. We will also understand the current state of hygienic environments at overseas expansion sites, etc., and support activities to improve them."

6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally

Improving water quality on a global scale is an important issue in order to ensure a sanitary environment so that people can continue to live in good health. It is a big problem that people can not secure clean water due to water pollution and people are getting sick.
As a company, we will not dump, release harmful chemicals or substances, or illegally discharge untreated wastewater. It is important not to It would also be a good idea to understand the current situation of dumping, release of harmful chemical substances, and untreated wastewater at overseas expansion sites, etc., and support activities to improve them.

6.3 Draft Course of Action
・"We will ensure that not only our company but also our business partners do not dump, release harmful chemicals or substances, or illegally discharge untreated wastewater. We will grasp the current status of hazardous chemical emissions and untreated wastewater, and support activities to improve them."

6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity

If there is a limit to the amount of fresh water that can be obtained in an area, we must use that limited water carefully. One way to solve water shortages is to improve the efficiency of water use in all industries. For example, by improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture and industry, we can expect to turn surplus water into drinking water and water necessary for daily life.
As a company, it is necessary to understand the status of water usage and systematically improve the efficiency of water usage in order to promote corporate activities. It would also be a good idea to carry out support activities to improve the efficiency of water use in the areas where we operate or overseas.

6.4 Draft Course of Action
・"We will grasp the water usage situation in the course of our corporate activities and systematically improve the efficiency of water usage. We will also support activities to improve the efficiency of water usage in the areas where we operate and overseas."

6.5 By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate

Integrated (or comprehensive) water resource management is the concept of managing water comprehensively in all its forms at all stages of its cycle. For example, if development is carried out near the water source of a river, it will affect the downstream pollution status, increase or decrease of sediment, or flow volume. Due to the lack of water, pumping up a large amount of groundwater can cause land subsidence. Trying to solve one problem with water can cause another problem. Solving one water problem shouldn't create another. Integrated water resource management aims to prevent partial solutions from adversely affecting the whole by managing water comprehensively.
Japan is an island country, and it may be difficult to understand the need for cross-border cooperation on water resources. Countries can fight over water resources, and water pollution in one country can have a big impact on downstream countries.
As a company, we are required to deepen our understanding of water resource management and to prevent adverse effects on others through development and large-scale use of water. It is also a good idea to carry out support activities for integrated water resource management in the areas of activity and overseas expansion.

6.5 Draft Course of Action
・"We will deepen our understanding of water resource management and prevent adverse impacts on others through development and the use of large amounts of water. We will also support activities for integrated water resource management in our activity areas and overseas expansion destinations."

6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes

In order to provide people with clean water, it is important to protect water-related ecosystems and restore destroyed ecosystems. Many areas are at risk of environmental destruction, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers, and lakes.
As a company, careful consideration is required to ensure that development activities do not destroy water-related ecosystems. It would also be a good idea to carry out support activities for the protection of water-related ecosystems in the areas where we operate or overseas.

6.6 Draft Course of Action
・Clarify predictions and countermeasures for the protection of water-related ecosystems as an important issue in the business development plan. In addition, we will carry out support activities for the protection of water-related ecosystems in the areas where we operate and overseas.”

6.a By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and sanitation-related activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies

It advocates the expansion of strong assistance to developing countries. In developing countries, if the water environment and sanitary environment deteriorate due to overdevelopment, many people will face the threat of their lives.
As a company, when expanding into developing countries, it would be desirable for you to try not to deteriorate the local water and sanitation environment, and to participate in cooperation and support in the water and sanitation field.

6.a Draft Course of Action
・"When expanding into developing countries, we will try not to deteriorate the local water and sanitation environments, and participate in cooperation and support in the water and sanitation fields."

6.b Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management

This is intended to encourage participation in community improvement initiatives.
As a company, it is desirable to participate in local communities in improving water and sanitation management in the main areas of operation and overseas expansion, and to support activities if necessary.

6.b Draft Course of Action
・"We will participate in local communities in improving water and sanitation management in our main areas of activity and overseas expansion, and provide support if necessary."

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