
Home --- Topics --- August 2023 3rd: People who feel uncomfortable when their mistakes and failures are pointed out

August 2023 3rd: People who feel uncomfortable when their mistakes and failures are pointed out

Some people get annoyed when their mistakes and failures are pointed out. People who point out their mistakes and failures can be disliked and even pushed away. People who just praise themselves are welcomed as "good people", and people who point out their mistakes are treated as "bad people" and shunned. If such a person becomes the manager of a company, the management will be in jeopardy. The cronies become only the manager's good-humor and yes-men, and there is no one to criticize or give constructive opinions.

August 2023 3rd: People who feel uncomfortable when their mistakes and failures are pointed out

When people are criticized by someone, they feel more or less uncomfortable. Even if the criticism is correct, we feel uncomfortable while being criticized. In some cases, you may want to deny the criticism, or conversely, you may want to attack the person who criticizes you. You might stubbornly insist that "I didn't make a mistake or fail" and just let it go without correcting it.
But if someone's criticism is correct, and you're clearly making a mistake or failing, don't just ignore the criticism. You should correct the mistake as soon as possible and take action.
The feeling of "I hate having my mistakes and failures pointed out" robs me of the chance to correct my mistakes. Rather, you should be grateful to those who correctly point out your mistakes and failures. As a child, there are teachers and adults who scold you. But the older you get, the higher your status, the less people will scold you. When you grow up, when your status is high, it's important to have someone who can point out your mistakes.
What would happen to a company if management let in people who only praised them and pushed away those who pointed out their mistakes and failures? The cronies become nothing but the proprietors and yes-men, and there is no one to criticize or offer constructive opinions. If the management says something wrong, no one can criticize it, so the company keeps going in the wrong direction.
Even if you say, "Managers should listen to criticism honestly," managers are busy. It is a waste of time to deal with subordinates' selfish opinions and shallow proposals. In order to make it easier for good opinions and excellent proposals to come up, it may be important to have subordinates receive training in problem-solving skills, planning skills, presentation skills, etc.
Managers must be very careful in how they choose their entourage and how they listen to their opinions. Above all, it is important to constantly check yourself to see if you are judging other people's opinions based on your likes and dislikes.

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