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August 2023 4th: Realizing that you are the cause

When something fails or doesn't go well, people tend to push the blame onto others. They want to comfort themselves by making excuses such as the bad environment, other people's interference, or bad conditions. But the truth is, those people were the reason the something didn't work. Even if you don't realize your mistake and try again, you risk repeating the same mistake. In order not to repeat the same mistake, it is to realize that you are the cause.

August 2023 4th: Realizing that you are the cause

What do you do when something fails? How can you apply the lessons of failure next time?
In order to use the lessons of failure next time, it is important to remove the things that cause failure. So what is it that causes failure?
There are many reasons for failure. Things are intricately intertwined. It is often difficult to pinpoint what the real cause is.
It is often the case that the reason why you think "this is it" and the reason why others think "this is it" are different. Or perhaps there is a deeper underlying cause that neither you nor others are aware of.
When investigating the cause, it is said to ask "Why?" five times. The cause is hidden deep inside, and we should not jump to the superficial cause.
So, when you fail, you should dig deep to find out the cause.
However, as you delve deeper into the cause, there will be obstacles that will try to prevent you from doing so. It is your "ego". Your ego almost reflexively tries to turn away from the facts that show you are the cause of your failure. You try to protect yourself by not thinking that you are at fault as much as possible.
For many people who are unable to reflect on their failures or who are unable to correctly identify the cause of their failures, this reflexive act of "protecting the ego" works too strongly.
Of course, the ego must be defended. It's not good to be too self-deprecating. However, no matter how much you want to protect your ego, it is not good not to find out the cause and reflect on it. If you don't find out the cause, you will either repeat the same mistakes or become timid and unable to take on the challenge.
If you fail, reflect. Find out what caused the failure. Ask for the opinions of others as well as your own about the causes of failure. And after digging deep to the essential cause deep inside, let's obediently admit the essential cause.
On top of that, the next time you take on a challenge, you can remove the things that will cause you to fail. Good lessons are learned when you fail. Failure is a chance to change yourself and a chance to grow big. Failure leads to success. For that reason, it is important to be honest enough to realize that you are the cause.

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