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December 2023 2nd: Rather than going your own way, try to emulate successful people.

When something doesn't go well or you're stuck in business, the reason may be that you've been doing it your own way. If the economy is good, you may be able to do well even if you run your business by your own way. However, when the economy takes a turn for the worse, it is easy to fail if you do things your own way. The first step to finding the right way to succeed in business is to imitate successful people.

December 2023 2nd: Rather than going your own way, try to emulate successful people.

I don't like imitating others. I've been doing it my own way so far, so I want to do it my own way from now on too.
Some managers may think so. But times change. The market has good times and bad times. Doing your own business doesn't always work out. In fact, if you do things on your own, you are more likely to fail.
When something doesn't go well or you're stuck in business, let go of your own way of thinking. Then, let's throw away our preconceptions and imitate successful people.
Of course, some people like your way of doing things. If your customers like your style, don't just throw it away.
However, you may have to take the plunge and abandon your "own style" that has nothing to do with the customer and is just what you like.
Rather than going your own way, emulate successful people. It is not easy to copy successful people. Be careful not to end up with just a degraded copy. Rather, try to add a value to the methods of successful people. If you imitate the methods of successful people and then improve and improve them, you will find it easier to succeed.
When something doesn't go well or you're stuck in business, throw away your pride and fixed ideas and learn from those who have succeeded.

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