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December 2023 4th: Music to listen to when you're having a hard time

Have you ever been so hard in your life that you couldn't do anything, or felt so depressed that you couldn't do anything? How did you spend your days when you couldn't recover from your depressed state? What comforted or encouraged you during difficult times? For example, have you ever had the experience of being moved and encouraged by music, or feeling positive by touching the singing voice?

December 2023 4th: Music to listen to when you're having a hard time

A friend recommended a musician to me. My friend, who liked Western music and also liked listening to French and Italian music, seemed to have no interest in Japanese music, but when I met her after a while, she was listening to Japanese songs.
It's rare for this person to listen to Japanese songs. So I asked my friend. It's rare for you to listen to Japanese songs. After all, you liked listening to French music, right? Then, my friend gave me a somewhat surprising answer.
When she lost his job due to the coronavirus pandemic and was feeling mentally at a loss, my friend happened to meet the Japanese musician. When she went to her concert and heard the singing voice for the first time, she couldn't stop crying. At that time, when she was in the depths of pain and unable to see the future, she could no longer let go of that song.
My friend has now returned to work and is mentally stable, but if she hadn't come across that musician's music back then, during the difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, she might have been mentally broken. Since then, my friend has been listening to the musician's songs like they are treasures.
The musician's name is Yurina Hamano.
A friend of mine recommended this as music to listen to when I'm going through a difficult time, saying, "You should definitely go to a concert of the musician."
Come to think of it, I always listen to hard rock, so it might be nice to go listen to music like Hamano Yurina once in a while.
How about you?
What kind of music do you usually listen to? Do you know any recommended music to listen to when you're having a tough time?

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