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February 2023 11th issue: Management's stubbornness and pride get in the way of management reform

In an era of rapid change, what was considered common sense in society may suddenly become obsolete. It's not uncommon for what you thought was the right thing to do to become completely useless. Companies also have to work on management reforms in line with the rapid changes of the times, or furthermore, with the intention of anticipating the changes of the times. However, sometimes the stubbornness and pride of the management get in the way and hinder progress in corporate management reforms.

February 2023 11th issue: Management's stubbornness and pride get in the way of management reform

Managers who have run their businesses for many years by believing in their own experience and intuition will continue to believe in their own experience and intuition in their management. Relying only on past experience and intuition will easily lead to failure in an era of rapid change. In some cases, management decisions based on management's experience and intuition may worsen the company's management.
It is important for managers to be committed. By sticking to something, the color and characteristics of the company are born, and you can create a brand image. However, if the manager is too picky, the business may fail. In some cases, the management's "commitment" is no longer required by customers due to changes in the times.
Some managers get upset when their mistakes are pointed out. When something goes wrong, there are managers who blame others anyway. If managers cannot reflect on themselves, companies will not be able to reflect on themselves. Companies that cannot self-reflect will decline.
Some managers don't listen to young people's opinions. It may be that he doesn't want to listen to what the young guys say because he thinks he is great. However, if managers cannot actively incorporate the ideas of young people, companies will be left behind.
Some executives don't want to research their competitors or learn from successful companies. They may be proud of their own company and not want to imitate other successful companies. If you don't research your competitors properly, it will be difficult to beat the competition. Even if you do research, if you don't learn from other successful companies, it won't contribute to management improvement.
There are managers who listen to other people's opinions but refuse to change what they are doing. Do you want to believe that your thoughts are better? Even if you listen to other people's opinions, nothing will change unless you change your own behavior. Stop thinking you're better, be humble, listen to what others have to say, and change your behavior. Try it, and if it doesn't work, fix it again.
The manager's stubbornness and pride are only a hindrance to corporate management. Especially in times of rapid change. Managers should throw away their stubbornness and pride and be humble.

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