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June 2023 5th: Employers should listen to criticism

Managers should welcome criticism of themselves and embrace critics. If managers do not like to be criticized and shun those who criticize them, there will be only obedient yes-men around them. People think because of criticism. When there are only yes-men around, it becomes difficult for managers to notice their own mistakes. If managers become less aware of their own mistakes, management will be in jeopardy.

June 2023 5th: Employers should listen to criticism

Many small business owners hate to be criticized. They stop listening to others who are critical of them and try to push them away.
If you eliminate anyone to criticize you, you may feel better as a manager in the short term because you can run the business as you please.
However, if there is no one around to criticize, it becomes difficult for managers to notice their own mistakes.
If managers are not aware of their own mistakes, failures due to misjudgment in management will increase. If you continue to sloppily manage your business while making repeated mistakes in judgment, the management of your company will be in jeopardy.
Small business owners who hate being criticized and keep their critics away are creating an environment in which their business is in jeopardy.
In a dictatorship, the dictator often eliminates those who criticize him or her. With their critics wiped out, the dictatorship cannot stop the dictator's mistakes and rampages. As the dictator repeats mistakes and rampages, dictatorship will choose the path of self-destruction.
Even in small and medium-sized enterprises, if managers repeat mistakes and runaway like dictators, they will go down the path of self-destruction.
Are you open to criticism? Are you listening to others who are critical of you? Are you alienating your critics?
If you are a business owner, listen to your criticism.
Check yourself to see if you have unknowingly created an environment that puts your business in jeopardy.
Some of the criticism is irrelevant and silly. However, there are also sharp criticisms that are precise and realistic.
Listen to the criticism and analyze it one by one.
If you find it difficult to do the analysis yourself, it may be a good idea to ask a consultant.
Some of the criticisms hide important hints for greatly improving management.
If you come across a sharp criticism that strikes you, talk to the critic. Maybe you can get some valuable ideas.
If you find a smart critic, be sure to enlist them. A person who freely gives his/her own smart and strong opinion is an important brain for a manager.

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