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June 2023 7th: Learn how to input and process information

The world is full of information. Some information has a clear source, while other information does not know who sent it. Some are outright propaganda, some seemingly biased information, while others appear neutral and objective. Some information is interesting, and some is unpleasant. Some information tries to lead you in the better direction, some information tries to lead you in the wrong direction. Wrong judgments and wrong actions are caused by wrong information processing.

June 2023 7th: Learn how to input and process information

Learn how to input and process information. If you are the manager of a company, the kind of information you input and how you process it can determine the fate of your company. If management makes a mistake in inputting and processing information, the company may be heading for ruin.
What would you do if a subordinate reported his/her mistake? What would you do if a subordinate reported bad things about another colleague? How would you react if your subordinates complained about the project or their treatment? What do you do when you hear a gossip like, "That person was talking bad about you"?
How do you handle daily information such as internal information, information from customers and business partners, sales call information, news articles, emails, SNS information, etc.?
Are you reviewing how you input and process information?
When a major problem occurs, do you deal with it and improve your information input and processing methods at the same time?
Don't you only collect information that you like and believe only information from people you like?
Do you get emotional and act impulsively when you hear unpleasant information?
Emotional executives tend to create an environment where information input is biased so that people around them do not report bad information.
What information do you trust, how do you process that information, and how do you act? And do you review and reflect on what results your actions have brought?
Managers must be careful not to make wrong decisions or take wrong actions. In order to prevent management from heading in a bad direction, managers must be careful about how they handle information.
Appropriate input and processing of information is essential for making appropriate management decisions. By all means, managers should learn how to input and process information.

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