
Home --- Topics --- June 2023 9th: Can you see the "common sense" that you and others are trapped in, and can you break that "common sense" in a "good way"?

June 2023 9th: Can you see the "common sense" that you and others are trapped in, and can you break that "common sense" in a "good way"?

"Common sense" is both important and dangerous for businessmen. Businessmen must learn common sense and learn to protect common sense. A businessman who does not understand the common sense of the industry and customers will not succeed. But on the other hand, for business success, you must not be bound by common sense. It is said that the key to business success is to overcome conventional wisdom. So should business people follow common sense, or should they break common sense?

June 2023 9th: Can you see the "common sense" that you and others are trapped in, and can you break that "common sense" in a "good way"?

Business people need to learn how to deal with "common sense".
First of all, let's carefully observe what kind of common sense you and others are trapped in.
If you are starting a new business, learn the common sense of the industry. Learn consumer habits. Learn the common sense of suppliers.
Common sense is not always the same. Even within the same industry, different people may have different perceptions. Common sense that each consumer thinks is subtly different. But there should be some general common sense that covers the entire industry.
In the beginning, it is safer to follow the common sense of the industry. You can earn people's trust by following the common sense.
However, business does not go well just by following the common sense of the industry.
For business success, it is important to break the common sense of the industry in a good way. Question industry norms. Let's boldly break the irrational common sense. Bold convention-breakers can capture the attention of consumers and have an impact on the industry.
But that doesn't mean you should just be insane. Even if you do something outside of common sense, sales won't grow if you don't get the support of consumers. Besides, if you continue to do insane things, you may be expelled from the industry.
Humans become stubborn with age, and it becomes easier to get caught up in the common sense of the past. If you continue with your business while clinging to the common sense of the past, you will eventually be left behind by the changing times and your business will come to a dead end. Veteran businessmen should question their own common sense, incorporate the opinions of young people, and actively break common sense in old days. As you get older, you should adopt a way of thinking that is not bound by common sense.
It's not good to just believe what someone said, "This is common sense," and act on that assumption. What you think is common sense for yourself and those around you may not work at all in the wider world. In order to succeed as a business person, it is important not to be fooled by the word "common sense".
There is a word "Shuhari". First you follow common sense, when you become good at it you break common sense, and when you become a master you move away from common sense.
Mastering how to deal with "common sense" is an important point for business success.

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