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March 2023 25th issue: Do what you can now

Let's do what we can do now. Do the best you can. Stop worrying about other people. Stop complaining about the environment. Stop worrying about whether your competition is strong or weak. What matters is whether you are doing your best. It's whether or not you've done what you can. It would be a waste to just let time pass by without doing what you can do now. Instead of worrying about this and that, focus on what you can do now.

March 2023 25th issue: Do what you can now

You don't have to do what you can't do. It is not good to overdo it. But it's the worst thing to complain about without doing what you can.
Thanks to the continued COVID-19 misfortune, many people's movements are slowing down. Before you know it, your business footwork is getting heavy.
Before COVID-19, people were able to move quickly, but now more and more people are reluctant to move.
At times like this, if you can move ahead of others, you can make a difference to your rivals. Opportunities come when people don't move.
Of course, you don't have to overdo it. If you overdo it, distortion will always occur somewhere. But don't be fooled into thinking you can't when you can. You should be able to do more, think so, lighten your footwork and move briskly.
What can I do now? Always ask yourself. At the end of the day, do a rigorous self-reflection to see if you're slacking off with all the excuses you can't do.
Let's do what we can do now. Let's do our best for a better future.

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