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November 2023: Cherish your fateful encounters

Are you aware of your fateful encounter? Are you getting lost in the mundane daily routine and missing out on your fateful encounter? Be aware of your fateful encounter. Don't miss out on little coincidences. A fateful encounter will change your life. Recognizing your fateful encounter and valuing it will change your life for the better. Cherish the fateful encounter that will change your life.

November 2023: Cherish your fateful encounters

Every day we meet someone. We meet people in a variety of places, such as people we casually pass by on the street, people we meet at meetings we attend, and people we see after riding the same train several times. In many cases, these encounters do not lead to the development of any relationships, and life continues as usual.
But maybe a fateful encounter is hidden in what seems like a normal daily life. Sometimes people we don't pay much attention to when we first meet them later become involved in our lives.
When you have a fateful encounter, you feel something. They are drawn to each other by a naturalness that makes it hard to believe that they have met for the first time, a familiarity, and a level of compatibility that you may not be aware of.
An encounter that is forced or unnatural cannot be called a fateful encounter. The natural nature of each other's subconscious desires is hidden in a fateful encounter. If one of you doesn't like it, it can't be called a fateful meeting. If it is truly fate, we will be attracted to each other.
Fateful encounters are often caused by chance. Coincidence is God's arrangement.
We may be missing out on the miracles that occur every day.
Be aware of your fateful encounter. And let's cherish this fateful encounter.

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