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April 8, 2024: Managers must abandon their own stubbornness and pride

Managers must put aside their own selfishness and pride and make decisions that are appropriate to the situation. When a company's management does not go well, it is often due to the manager's stubbornness and pride. Times change. Markets change. People's values will also change. In order to adapt to the new era, we need to abandon our old stubbornness and pride and embrace new values.

April 8, 2024: Managers must abandon their own stubbornness and pride

If company management is not going well, managers need to review whether their business decisions are incorrect and make necessary corrections. If you continue to run your business without correcting the wrong decisions, your business will continue to deteriorate.
Even though business is deteriorating, if you don't try to find mistakes in management decisions or make necessary corrections, your business may stall in the future.
Managers' stubbornness and pride may get in the way and prevent them from correcting management mistakes.
My judgment is correct. There is no way that my experience or beliefs are wrong. I decided to go with this, so I'm going to keep pushing forward.
Such stubbornness and pride of managers often lead to company management going in the wrong direction.
Even if it was true based on past experience, times may have changed. Even if that method worked in the past, the old method may no longer work. Managers also need to adapt to the new era, rather than sticking to their own way of doing things out of stubbornness and pride.
Stop trying to force your opinions and thoughts on others. Ask young people for advice. Humble yourself and listen to others.
Truly effective managers are good at accepting other people's opinions and ideas, rather than trying to force their own. Only by letting go of your own selfishness and pride can you become a truly effective manager.

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