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August 2024 Part 3: Great results and hard work

We tend to focus on people who achieve spectacular results. People who continue to achieve spectacular results, such as billionaires, CEOs of large companies, athletes who set great records, Olympic medalists, super famous entertainers, musicians and celebrities, seem to shine. If you feel envious of people who continue to achieve spectacular results, then you should not only look at their current brilliant appearance, but also look at the steady efforts they have continued to make.

August 2024 Part 3: Great results and hard work

Do you waste your days envious of people who keep achieving spectacular results? Do you slack off on your efforts while wishing you could achieve spectacular results like them?
If you don't make an effort and keep moving forward, you won't achieve good results. It's the people who have made steady efforts day in and day out who are able to achieve spectacular results.
Let's make an effort. Let's move forward.
Even those who continue to achieve spectacular results have continued to work steadily for many years before they achieved their success, and they are still continuing to work steadily today.
Look not only at the glittering figures of successful people, but also at the hard work they put in. If you want to catch up with or surpass them, make the decision to put in the same amount of hard work as them.
If you find yourself lamenting, "I'm trying hard, but I'm not getting good results," then it's time to reconsider how you are trying hard.
People are influenced by those around them. Try to make friends with people who make an effort. Don't get too close to people who don't make an effort, are lazy, and are always envious of others. Keep your distance from discouraging peiple.
Let's convey to the new generation the importance of continuing to make steady efforts. In order for the new generation to achieve great things, the older generation should set an example by continuing to make efforts themselves.
There are people who achieve glorious results for a moment, then disappear immediately. Even if you achieve great results, if you stop trying, you will fall off. Let's know the importance of continuing to try. When you achieve results, it's time to pull yourself together and continue trying even harder.

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