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March 2024: Why do employees quit?

Employees may quit. Employees who don't work or have a bad work attitude may quit, and employees who are serious about their work and have been working calmly and diligently may suddenly submit a request for resignation. In some cases, when an employee quits, the company suffers great damage. Managers must properly analyze and understand why employees quit. If you make the wrong decision or take the wrong measures, your organization may suffer fatal damage. Analyzing the causes of employees quitting their company and taking appropriate countermeasures are important matters that managers should not make mistakes in.

March 2024: Why do employees quit?

There are various reasons why employees leave a company. Each person's heart is different. A person's information, values, way of thinking, pride, and emotions influence their actions. When people act, various causes are intricately intertwined.
Humans are creatures with the most complex brains on earth. Human thinking is complex, and there are no simple explanations for its actions and causes. By the time an employee decides to quit a company, he or she must have been worried, conflicted, and shaken many times. A series of events led to the employee deciding to quit the company. The reason is by no means simple.
When you ask employees who are leaving a company why they are leaving, you may get several answers. Some people vent their dissatisfaction, such as being dissatisfied with their pay, hating their boss, or not liking the nature of their work. Alternatively, there may be people who do not express any dissatisfaction with the company, but instead say that they want to take on a new challenge, have found a more rewarding job, or want to test their skills in a different world. But don't just believe that answer. Retirees often hide their true feelings and try to leave the company by stating only the surface reason for their resignation. Retirees are not always willing to open up enough to tell you the real reason they left.
Managers who do not fully understand the "psychology of retirees" often believe exactly the reason for their resignation as told by the employee. Then, we often try to simplify the cause. This makes it easy for managers to make mistakes in their decisions and countermeasures.
Managers who do not understand the complexity of human psychology are disqualified as managers. Managers must see through the essence of the situation without being misled by surface information.
If you can accurately understand why employees quit, you will be able to take appropriate measures. In order to avoid major damage to the company's organization, analyzing the causes of employees quitting and responding appropriately is essential for better management.

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