
Home --- Topics --- November 2024 Part 3: What to do before accepting foreign workers

November 2024 Part 3: What to do before accepting foreign workers

There are times when you may want to accept foreign workers, such as when there is a serious labor shortage during a booming economy, when you need cheap labor, or when you need labor short-term for the production of seasonal products. There are various things to be aware of when accepting foreign workers. Here, we will consider what you should do before accepting foreign workers.

November 2024 Part 3: What to do before accepting foreign workers

The things you should do before accepting foreign workers are roughly as follows:
1. Reassess whether the work can be done with the current workers alone or whether domestic workers can be hired.
Let's reconsider whether we really need to accept foreign workers in the first place, whether the work can be done with our current workers, or whether we can hire domestic workers.
2. Check the legal requirements for accepting foreign workers
When accepting foreign workers, there are legal requirements that must be confirmed in addition to the requirements for hiring domestic workers, such as checking the details of their work visa. Be sure to check carefully to avoid violating the law.
3. Provide current workers with communication training to work with foreigners
Foreign workers have different education, culture, and ways of thinking than our own workers. First of all, it would be desirable to provide training to existing workers so that they can communicate with foreigners.
4. Estimate the costs of accepting foreign workers
Accepting foreign workers incurs costs for procedures and on-the-job training. In some cases, you may need to hire an interpreter. Estimate the costs of accepting foreign workers in advance.
5. Create a system that rewards those who work hard and improve work practices, so that foreigners are motivated to work.
Even if you accept foreign workers, they may not work as expected unless you change the internal system. Before accepting foreign workers, create a system that makes them want to work. If they know that those who work hard and improve their work will be rewarded, they will be motivated to work.
6. Create a follow-up system to resolve the dissatisfaction and concerns of foreign workers
Foreigners may have dissatisfaction and anxiety that we never imagine. If possible, when accepting foreign workers, we should create a follow-up system to resolve their dissatisfaction and anxiety.
7. Take preventative measures to prevent the current workers from becoming dissatisfied or uneasy.
On the other hand, if you treat foreign workers too favorably, your existing workers may become dissatisfied and anxious. Take preventive measures to prevent current workers from becoming dissatisfied and anxious.
8. Create mechanisms to prevent espionage and leaks of confidential information
Newly accepted foreign workers may spy or leak confidential information. This is not limited to foreign workers, but it is very important to create a system to prevent espionage and leaking of confidential information.
Accepting foreign workers will not only solve the labor shortage, but it may also provide new impetus for companies and give them hints for business expansion. However, there are many points to be aware of, so be sure to take care. If you simply try to accept foreign workers as cheap, disposable labor, you may suffer a major backlash.

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