Health/Medical/Learning/Self-Improvement Articles --- Calculus and Food --- Is Calculus a Luxury Disease?
It is said that the number of patients who develop stones has increased as the Japanese diet has become more abundant. In fact, it has been pointed out that the luxury of eating habits is significantly related to the increase in stone patients.
Urinary stones are called luxury disease. In fact, it can be considered that the luxury of eating habits has made it easier to develop stones.
However, there are many things to say about the changes in eating habits. The dietary habits of Japanese people before the 1955s and us today are too different. It is not easy to determine which is the cause of the stone.
And now that social structures and times have changed, we cannot simply return to our old diet.
Eating eggs every day and eating meat frequently may have been a luxury in the past. But now they are not necessarily luxury. Meat, eggs, dairy products, etc. are sold at supermarkets at prices affordable to the general public. In the past, people who frequently eat out, which was a big luxury, are increasing.
Rather, these days, natural foods such as hand-made vegetables and fruits without pesticides and natural foods are more luxury products. The meaning of the word "luxury" may have changed with the times.
Calculus was once considered a luxury disease that only wealthy people have, but nowadays it is a dangerous disease for everyone. It is important for everybody to pay attention to their daily eating habits and make steady efforts to prevent stones.
What is Calculus
Calculus is a stone-like substance that forms in channels and organs in the body. Originally melted into a liquid, but crystallized for some reason. The crystals grow and grow larger, sometimes with severe pain.
Stones and Pain
Calculi are generally painful as they grow. It can be very painful from a very small age, or it can be quite large even it does not hurts, depending on where the calculus has formed.
Causes of Stones
Why do stones form? Why do stones form where you don't want them to be made? Knowing the causes of calculi makes it easier to take countermeasures.
Calculus Countermeasures
Calculi are small at first, but they gradually grow larger and can be very painful. If you have a calculus, you need to consult a doctor to receive a prescription or review your lifestyle.
Stone Prevention
Calculi can easily form in the body and grow in size, with severe pain. A body with a calculus is more likely to have adult diseases. I want to live a healthy and energetic life with no stones if possible.
Calculus and Diet
Stones are greatly influenced by your daily diet. If you eat unbalanced and lose your nutritional balance, you are more likely to develop high blood pressure, diabetes, and stones. Stones and eating habits are closely related.
Calcium and Stones
When urinary stones are taken out and examined, calcium is often the main component. This is because the patient's urine contains a lot of calcium, but calcium and urinary calculus seem to have a little troublesome relationship.
Is Calculus a Luxury Disease?
It is said that the number of patients who develop stones has increased as the Japanese diet has become more abundant. In fact, it has been pointed out that the luxury of eating habits is significantly related to the increase in stone patients.
Dinner, Supper and Stones
It is said that urinary stones are more likely to occur if you eat dinner late or if you eat dinner before going to bed. The food is digested in the stomach and the concentration of nutrients is increased, and the water is reduced while sleeping so that stones are easily formed.
Calculi and Ancestry
Apparently, there are families that are susceptible to stone formation. If you have a stone in your parents or family, you need to be careful not to get stoned. Various studies have been conducted on stones and genetic factors.
Drink Tea and Water
Calculus is formed by the crystallization of components that have dissolved into organs and ducts. Stones are more likely to form when stones have a high concentration of ingredients. It is said that when water in the body is insufficient, the concentration becomes relatively high and stones are easily formed.
No Sugar or Salt
Try to avoid salt and sugar as much as possible to prevent urinary stones. Too much salt and sugar can cause high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as excretion of calcium by the kidneys and stones.
Chew Well and Eat
Chewing well will not only make your food easier to digest and absorb, it will also help you control overeating and thus prevent stones from forming. Let's chew a lot after putting in.
Dinner Sparingly
It is generally said that stones are easily formed during nights when water in the body tends to be low. Eating more nutrients that make dinner more caloric and a component of stones can make stones even easier.
Don't Eat for 4 Hours before Going to Bed
It is said that stones are formed at night. In the middle of the night, there is a tendency to run out of water, and stones are more likely to be formed even by themselves. If you eat a lot just before going to bed at night, you will end up in a body environment where stones can easily form.