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December 2022 3rd issue: Corporate education and training

Think about education and training in a company. In addition to educating and training employees working in companies, we also educate and train customers and prospective customers, educate and train suppliers, educate and train executives and executive candidates, and educate and train society as a whole. I would like to think about education and upbringing. What kind of education and development is necessary for companies to strengthen their competitiveness and demonstrate their presence in the market? Let's summarize the purpose and goals of education and training, as well as their methodology, and practice education and training that can produce better results.

December 2022 3rd issue: Corporate education and training

Education is to convey some kind of knowledge and way of thinking so that they can put it into practice.
The purpose of companies to educate and develop their employees is for the company itself to grow. In other words, the purpose of education and training in a company can be considered to make people contribute to the growth of the company itself.
In order for the people educated and trained by a company to contribute to the growth of the company itself, it is necessary to motivate the educated people to want to cooperate with the company's growth. For example, it is important to have expectations for the future of the company itself, to have empathy for the content of work and the lifestyle proposed by the company, and to have people feel that contributing to the company will lead to hopes for the future. It's going to be Also, whether or not a company can make people feel romance and passion will also make a difference as to whether or not people will want to cooperate with the company's growth.
Corporate education and training are closely linked to the company's own growth strategy. Companies need to set goals for education and training along with their own growth strategies.
Education and training do not necessarily contribute to the growth of the company immediately. It is said that "investment in people" such as education and training can be expected to have a large return on investment in the long term, but it may seem like a mere cost in a single year. When management is tough, people tend to get caught up in short-term matters and neglect education and training. In order to realize effective education and development, planning from a long-term perspective is necessary.
In addition, there is a possibility that employees who have acquired high skills through education and training will change jobs to other companies. When promoting education and training, it is necessary to devise and consider ways to foster attachment and loyalty to the company at the same time.
In addition to education and training for employees, there are also those for customers, prospective customers, suppliers, executives, executive candidates, and society as a whole, and it is necessary to plan strategically for each.
Education and training for employees should not be one-size-fits-all. Each employee has a different educational background, skills, and way of thinking about work. Let's make an education plan so that they can demonstrate even greater ability in the future and that they can demonstrate teamwork among employees more. It is important for the company to think about what kind of education is necessary for employees, and for each employee to think and plan accordingly.
In other words, educating and cultivating customers is about providing information and building relationships. It is desirable that the information provided to the customer should make the customer feel strongly that they are reliable as well as increase the favorable impression of the company. In order to make a difference with rival companies and increase sales, how to provide information to customers and how to build relationships is an important theme for companies.
It is important for prospective customers to first remember the company name and to know what kind of company it is. Let's consult this company when we have a problem. If you can make them feel that way, you can increase sales from potential customers.
It is also important for companies to educate and train their suppliers. Cost reduction is also important, but you can't just bargain with the supplier's price. In order to increase the number of reliable partners with whom we can build long-term relationships, we should work hard to educate and train our suppliers. Let's tell what the company is asking for firmly and value the supplier who responds to that request.
Educate senior management about the risks that jeopardize the company's operations. It is also important for executives to learn the power of public speaking to tell people their dreams, the power of observation to notice details, and the ability to be considerate.
Executive candidates should learn how to create a vision for the future and organizational theory. It may also be important to learn about the leadership and management skills that drive large projects, as well as the responsibilities of a manager.
As for society as a whole, it would be better to transmit information that enhances brand image and credibility. In order to increase the favorable impression, it is important to continue to disseminate information steadily.
Education and upbringing do not always produce good results. In addition, education and training may become outdated due to changes in the social environment. It is important for companies to provide continuous feedback, such as by regularly evaluating education and training.
A company's future competitiveness and presence in the market are greatly affected by education and training. The practice of education and training that can produce better results will greatly grow the company.

* Corporate education and development (PDF file)

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