
World Region Information --- Argentina Information


We are researching regional information in Argentina. Argentina is a country mainly located in the southern half of South America. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Argentina.



It is bordered by Chile to the west and south, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, and Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast. To the east and south are the Atlantic Oceans.


About 2.78 million km2

Capital (approximate population)

Buenos Aires(3.05 million)

Business-related cities other than Buenos Aires (approximate population)

Cordoba(1.52 million), Rosario(1.43 million), Mendoza(1.08 million), San Miguel de Tucuman (870,000), La Plata(840,000), etc.


Approximately 44.94 million people

Racial Composition

97.2% European and Mestizo, 2.4% American Indian, Other


Spanish is the national language


62.9% Roman Catholic, 18.9% Secular, 15.3% Evangelical, 1.4% Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, , etc.


It is a multicultural country with a great European influence.
- Iguazu Falls
- El Glaciar Perito Moreno
- Museo Historico de Cera
- Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego
- Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanografico
- Peninsula Valdes
- Museo del Fin del Mundo
- Piedras Blancas
- Parque General San Martin


Education is compulsory for 10 years, from the ages of 5 to 14.
- Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Universidad Austral
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina
- Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires

- Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno de la Republica Argentina

Overview of Modern and Contemporary History of Argentina

1810 war of independence
1816 declaration of independence
1861 Achieve national unity
1982 Falklands War


It is a federal republic with a president as head of state. The prime minister acts as the representative of the government. The legislative branch is bicameral.
- Casa Rosada
- Congreso de la Nacion Argentina
- Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nacion

GDP per capita



It has a relatively high GDP per capita, a sizable domestic market and an expanding high-tech sector.

South America

Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana , Suriname

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