
World Region Information --- Uruguay Information


We are researching Uruguay local information. The Eastern Republic of Uruguay is a country in the southeastern part of South America. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Uruguay.



It is bordered by Argentina to the west and southwest and Brazil to the north and east. It faces the La Plata River to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast.


Approximately 176,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)

Montevideo(1.3 million)

Business-related cities other than Montevideo (approximate population)

Salto(Hundred thousand), Ciudad de la Costa(95,000), etc.


about 3.52 million

Racial Composition

92% Caucasian, 5% Mestizo, 3% Black, 2% Indigenous




Christianity 57%, No religion 41%, Others


A culture with a particularly strong Southern European influence.
- Palacio Salvo
- Acuario (Colonia del Sacramento)
- Cabo Polonio
- Puente de la laguna Garzon


There is free compulsory education from age 4 to 14 years.
- Universidad de Montevideo
- Universidad de la Republica

- Biblioteca Nacional de Uruguay

Overview of Uruguay Modern and Contemporary History

1808 Following Napoleon's overthrow of the Spanish monarchy, Uruguay rebels against the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata
1825 Declaration of Independence
1828 Brazil and Argentina surrender their territorial claims
1830 Constitution approved
1838-65 Civil War
1865-70 Participated in the Paraguayan War, fought with Brazil and Argentina against Paraguay
1933 military coup
1962-73 Left-wing guerrilla activities
1973 Suppression of left-wing terrorism. The military seizes power in a military coup. The age of extreme oppression (militarization)
1984 Protests against repressive politics and economic deterioration intensify
1985 Restoration of civilian rule (Restoration of constitutional politics)
2002 Breaks diplomatic ties with Cuba. Argentina financial crisis
2004 Left-wing government wins elections
2005 Established diplomatic relations with Cuba. Sign an energy deal with Venezuela. Launch anti-poverty measures.


It is a presidential democratic republic. The parliament is bicameral.
- Legislative Palace
- Palacio Estevez
- Poder Judicial

GDP per capita



Per capita income levels are among the highest in South America. It is an economy that is easily influenced by neighboring countries such as Brazil and Argentina.

South America

Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana , Suriname

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