
Business, Thought, and Management Articles --- About opening a store in Rakuten Ichiba --- Use Services Thoroughly

Use Services Thoroughly

If you are going to open a store in Rakuten, make full use of the service. We pay store opening fees and system usage fees, so don't hesitate to use them more and more.

Use Services Thoroughly

The best thing about Rakuten is that it has a system for selling and a lot of services for selling.
However, if you suddenly see various functions and services in front of you, you will not know what to do.

In that case, first look at the manual. The Rakuten manual is also substantial. Everything is meticulous and easy to understand.

It may be a good idea to buy a book from Rakuten Store at a bookstore and read it, or to consult the opinions of website providers. However, it is important to note that the information in the book is a bit outdated and the opinions of the vendors are often somewhat biased.

It's a waste of time not to use the full service even if you open a store. You don't have to hesitate, so take advantage of it.

Check out what services Rakuten is using for successful shops. Experiment and find out which services are effective in getting your product.

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About Rakuten Ichiba

Advantages of Rakuten store
You can get various benefits by opening a store at Rakuten. Here, let's take a look at the merits of Rakuten store as an online store.
Disadvantages of Rakuten store
Receiving from opening a store at Rakuten is not always just a merit. Here, let's look at the disadvantages of Rakuten store.
Rakuten is not "Special"
A Rakuten store is nothing special. Rakuten is an ordinary shopping mall, and it is ordinary consumers that come together. And ordinary shops line the eaves. Rakuten is nothing special.

What can Sell

Take a Look at the Ranking Market
There are a lot of products that can be sold on Rakuten. Many shops are creating new hit products in Rakuten Ichiba, which has been used in a wide range of ages. It is useful to check the ranking market to see what is selling.
Check the Featured Page
If you look at the top page of Rakuten, there are many links to special pages. Check out these special pages to find a variety of featured and bargain products.
Auction, Joint Purchase, Prize Market
Auctions, joint purchases and sweepstakes markets are not to be missed in Rakuten Ichiba. Many people are also participating in these pages, and you can see tips on products that sell on Rakuten.

Sensitive to Trends and News
Various things are popular on the net. Word of mouth spreads information and sometimes sells astonishingly. There is a trend in Rakuten Ichiba. Rakuten is a market that is sensitive to trends, media and news.
Why Something Unexpected Sells
When checking Rakuten's ranking, sometimes the thing that wonders "What?" Products that are unlikely to sell at real stores are somehow at the top of the rankings.

Points for Selling

Use Services Thoroughly
If you are going to open a store in Rakuten, make full use of the service. We pay store opening fees and system usage fees, so don't hesitate to use them more and more.
Increase Good “Customer Reviews”
When you open a store at Rakuten, it is important not only to sell products, but also to make efforts to increase good customer reviews. A good reputation for a review will lead to a higher reputation and a higher ranking, which will make it easier to attract customers.

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