
Health/Medical/Learning/Self-Improvement Articles --- Food and Exam Study --- Concentration and Meal

Concentration and Meal

You will need to concentrate and continue studying for long hours every day in the exam study, What should we eat to keep or improve our concentration? Are there any relations between concentration and eating habits?

Concentration and Meal

You will need to concentrate and continue studying for long hours every day in the exam study, What should we eat to keep or improve our concentration? Are there any relations between concentration and eating habits?
There are various nutrition that help us to improve our concentration. First one is the glucose that becomes the nutrition of the brain. In order to work the brain, you will need to take carbohydrates such as rice or bread, and keep raising the glucose concentration in the body. As a component to increase the ability to concentrate, vitamins, especially B1 and B12 among them will be needed. In addition, dietary fiber, iron, and DHA are recommended to have.
Let's see what kind of foods have the nutrients that are good for concentration. Brown rice, millet, fruits, vegetables, lever, small fish, blue fish, natto, etc. are recommended. Try to make menu using these ingredients if your family will take exam soon.
On the contrary, salty and fatty foods will be not good for concentration. Foods to take long time to digest, or burdening the stomack are also not recommended.
Exam study is tough. It is important to make good body condition so that the exam-taker can concentrate long hours by improving eating habits.

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Exam Study and Nutrition

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Concentration and Meal
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