
Japan Sightseeing Information

We are researching and introducing tourist information about various places in Japan. We will be posting: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, etc. Shrines and temples, castles, parks, ruins and architecture, commercial facilities in each region and prefecture. , amusement parks, museums, etc. We will also introduce gourmet information, special product information, and accommodation information for each city.

Japan Sightseeing Information

Japan is an East Asian island country in the Pacific Ocean. Japan means the origin of the sun, that is, the land from which the sun rises "Sun rising nation". Language is Japanese, letters mainly use "kanji" and "kana". It is said that there are many volcanoes, areas with many earthquakes, and there are many hot spring areas.
Although staple food is regarded as rice, wheat and soba are also often eaten. "Sashimi" and "Sushi" which eat fish and shellfish as raw are also famous. In recent years, Japanese food has attracted attention as "Longevity healthy food".
Depending on the area, such as exciting cities, historical cityscapes, industrial areas, rural areas, the sea, mountainous areas, etc., depending on the season, depending on time, Japan shows various facial expressions.
With unique history, culture, technology and industry developed, beautiful nature and future city coexist, Japan is a country with unlimited charm as a tourist destination.

Popular sights in Japan

Select by City

Sapporo, Hakodate, Sendai, Aizuwakamatsu, Tokyo, Utsunomiya, Yokohama, Kamakura, Odawara, Suwa, Niigata, Toyama, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Ise, Nara, Osaka, Sakai, Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Naha >>List of Cities in Japan

Choose for Your Purpose

Flower tourism, Green tourism, Marine tourism and Mountain Climbing, Industrial tourism, Ecotourism, Sports tourism, Trekking, Cycling

Select by Facilities

Shrines and Temples, Castles, Ski Resort and Golf Course, Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Nature, Theme park and Aquarium, Hot Springs, Hotels and Inns, Parks, Ruins, Architecture, Commercial Facilities, Shopping Streets

Tourist Information by Prefecture in Japan

Hokkaido Region


Tohoku Region

Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima

Kanto Region

Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa

Chubu Region

Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi

Kinki Region

Mie, Shiga, Nara, Wakayama, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo

Chugoku Region

Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi

Shikoku Region

Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi

Kyushu Region

Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima

Okinawa Region


※Tourist information posted on this site was mainly investigated from 2017 to 2018. Please note that these information may not be accurate.

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