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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Repent --- Dirty Room

Dirty Room

Is your room dirty? Living in a dirty room is unhealthy and bad for your mental health. If possible, clean it every day. So go about your day keeping your room tidy and clean. Living in a clean and organized room will make you feel refreshed.

Dirty Room

The room gets dirty as you use it. Walls and windows are lightly soiled, and dust and debris accumulate on floors. Places that have not been cleaned for a long time, such as the gaps between curtains and furniture, are surprisingly dirty when you look at them occasionally.
If you leave it dirty, the room itself will somehow look like it has lost its vitality. And we, who live in such a dirty room, feel like our energy has been sapped before we know it.
Living in a bright and clean room will make you feel more positive. Keep your room bright and clean so that you can live a healthy and active life.
Get rid of clutter and get organized. If your room is cluttered with things, your mind will also become unstable. It is said that tidying up not only makes you feel refreshed, but also improves your luck.
Clean and tidy up every day if possible. The room gets dirty little by little every day. That's why I clean it up a little bit every day. Moving your body to clean and tidy up can also have a calming and relaxing effect. Keep your room clean for your physical and mental health.

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