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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Repent --- to be Loved Forever

to be Loved Forever

Be loved forever. Be the kind of person you want to be with forever. Since we live in society, we want to be loved and needed. In order to be loved all the time, not just temporarily, it is important to thoroughly refine your actions, words, and heart.

to be Loved Forever

Act so that you would be loved. In order to please the other person, it is effective to do what the other person wants at the time the other person wants. But even if you only serve your partner, you won't always be loved. Let's create a mutually supportive relationship in which we serve others and have others serve us. Don't interfere deeply, don't be interested in it, but be by your side and always listen to what the other person has to say. Because to love each other is to create a comfortable space for each other.
Use words you love. The words that come out of your mouth shape your image. Let's talk while thinking about what kind of words to use to be loved. Let's devise how to use words so that words that are naturally loved will come out. Observe what words your loved ones use.
Let's polish our hearts so that we can be loved all the time. When we think about bad things, we tend to act badly or speak bad words. Take a look at your heart and change the way you hold your heart so that good actions and good words will come out more easily. It is the heart that makes life better or worse. Change your actions, change your words, and change your heart to be loved.

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