The game is a little play. Humans decide rules, and compete and fight in the rules. There are many games.
There are various levels even in the same game. Some people enjoy playing occasionally, while others are devoting their utmost effort to winning that game as a professional.
It is fun to play games, and it is also fun to see them. Especially for professional sports games, a lot of audience gathers and watches the games.
The game makes people crazy. There are business opportunities in people getting involved and becoming obsessed. Actually, businesses related to various games are deployed.
People get absorbed in games because there are unexpected, drama, and dreams. In other words, if you are going to do business with games, it is important to provide people with unexpectedness, drama and dreams.
For business people, games have a charm that can not be overlooked. If people gather and become crazy, there will be many business opportunities there.
Hope for the future, Hope is, Importance of hope, To have hope
Mind status, Wandering feelings, Anxiety and fear, Mind power
Adventure, Exciting, Challenge, Experience
Competition, Will to win, Game, Taste of Victory
Dream and goal, Dream, Goal, Force to move forward
Society and politics, Social change, Politics, Things not changing
Happiness, Peace in mind, Affection, Enjoyment
Word, Power of words, Reality and its interpretation, Change words
Festival, Meaning of the festival, Festival's Joy, Festival and hope
Wisdom, Wisdom and dreams, Wisdom and happiness, Wisdom and hope