There are various ways to enjoy at the festival. Enjoy watching various events. Enjoy watching people gathered. Enjoy watching street stalls. Even just looking around a lot, it is a big fun.
But I can not say that I'm really enjoying the festival just by looking at it. Let's participate positively if possible. The more you actively participate, you can know the taste of the festival.
Let's dance together when we dance. Let's buy unusual items sold. Let's talk to someone you know. Even those who do not know, if someone you care about, let's talk to them.
It is a good experience to help manage the festival and to enter the performance. Or, it may be interesting to try out the stalls and sell the products.
When you are deeply involved in the festival, you would want the festival to be excited. If the festival involved from planning is a great success, its sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will be greater.
How to make the festival excited, how to make the festival successful, it is hard to think various wisdom. However, if the festival devised with your wisdom is a great success, its pleasure is also exceptional.
Hope for the future, Hope is, Importance of hope, To have hope
Mind status, Wandering feelings, Anxiety and fear, Mind power
Adventure, Exciting, Challenge, Experience
Competition, Will to win, Game, Taste of Victory
Dream and goal, Dream, Goal, Force to move forward
Society and politics, Social change, Politics, Things not changing
Happiness, Peace in mind, Affection, Enjoyment
Word, Power of words, Reality and its interpretation, Change words
Festival, Meaning of the festival, Festival's Joy, Festival and hope
Wisdom, Wisdom and dreams, Wisdom and happiness, Wisdom and hope