Hope for Future

Hope is

What is hope? What will we wish for? What do we want? And how do we wish and want so that we have hope?

Hope is the will of the heart

Hope is basically to wish for a low feasibility. A dream, something that you are longing for is the hope that at least it can not be realized without having the intention to realize it, or not easy to realize even if you have a will.
Just wanting something tat can be realized easily, anytime will not be said hope. Because it is simply a "choice". It can be a hope because it is not guaranteed whether it can be realized even if you choose it.
Also, I may not be a hope to wish for things that can not be realized completely. If there is no way to realize it even if you want it, hope will be cut off. Hope must bave a possibility of realization.
However, something that is considered to be impossible in general, according to common sense, can often be realized by strong will and courage, and the cooperation of the gathered team. Even if many people think impossible, there are things that can be done if you do.
Overturn common sense of the era and change the world greatly. If you have such a strong mind energy you may be able to achieve it even if the possibility is extremely low.
Your mind will change if you think you can do it and you will do it, what you were giving up by thinking you can not do it and no way. It is hope that makes people's feelings positive.
In other words, hope is a strong intention to realize what we can not do now, and to draw something far away to our hands.

Hope for the future, Hope is, Importance of hope, To have hope

Mind status, Wandering feelings, Anxiety and fear, Mind power

Adventure, Exciting, Challenge, Experience

Competition, Will to win, Game, Taste of Victory

Dream and goal, Dream, Goal, Force to move forward

Society and politics, Social change, Politics, Things not changing

Happiness, Peace in mind, Affection, Enjoyment

Word, Power of words, Reality and its interpretation, Change words

Festival, Meaning of the festival, Festival's Joy, Festival and hope

Wisdom, Wisdom and dreams, Wisdom and happiness, Wisdom and hope

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