Word is a meaningful voice that people give. People communicate information by means of words and communicate with other people. The words change the person's mind. The words have great influence on people.
People are influenced by words. The mood changes according to the words. Listening to only negative words makes us feel depressed. On the contrary, listening to positive words makes our mood bright.
Words are easy to spread When families and friends talk with just negative words, I will start to speak only negative words unintentionally.
In order to become positive, you should avoid listening negative words as much as possible and listen to positive words.
Also, it would be nice to consciously speak positive words from yourself toward the surroundings. If you use positive words towards the surroundings, it will make it easier for positive words to come back from around you.
People who use positive words are gathering people who like positive words. If your can gather people who like positive words and make them your friends, you will become fine as well.
Hope for the future, Hope is, Importance of hope, To have hope
Mind status, Wandering feelings, Anxiety and fear, Mind power
Adventure, Exciting, Challenge, Experience
Competition, Will to win, Game, Taste of Victory
Dream and goal, Dream, Goal, Force to move forward
Society and politics, Social change, Politics, Things not changing
Happiness, Peace in mind, Affection, Enjoyment
Word, Power of words, Reality and its interpretation, Change words
Festival, Meaning of the festival, Festival's Joy, Festival and hope
Wisdom, Wisdom and dreams, Wisdom and happiness, Wisdom and hope