People with wisdom can observe the current situation calmly and can see the essence of it properly. If you do not misunderstand the current situation, you can at least reduce the wrong judgment.
Even those who have dreams and want to realize their dreams, they do not know what to do if there is no wisdom. They do not know the essence of the present situation, They will not go ahead as long as they make a mistake in making a decision.
Wisdom helps those who have dreams to realize their dreams. It is wisdom to find out the path to the dream from the present situation. You can see something that you could not see by having wisdom.
A wise person can lead and teach other people. Teaching and guiding will give wisdom to the people around us. To give wisdom indirectly helps to realize their dreams.
Sometimes people with wisdom are brought back to reality from their dreams. When I know the reality correctly, I am disappointed when I realize that my dreams I have seen can not be realized.
However, it is senseless to keep watching dreams that can not be realized forever. Better to judge the current situation by wisdom, it would be better to have a new dream.
Hope for the future, Hope is, Importance of hope, To have hope
Mind status, Wandering feelings, Anxiety and fear, Mind power
Adventure, Exciting, Challenge, Experience
Competition, Will to win, Game, Taste of Victory
Dream and goal, Dream, Goal, Force to move forward
Society and politics, Social change, Politics, Things not changing
Happiness, Peace in mind, Affection, Enjoyment
Word, Power of words, Reality and its interpretation, Change words
Festival, Meaning of the festival, Festival's Joy, Festival and hope
Wisdom, Wisdom and dreams, Wisdom and happiness, Wisdom and hope