
World Region Information --- Commonwealth of Dominica Information

Commonwealth of Dominica

We are researching regional information for the Commonwealth of Dominica. Commonwealth of Dominica is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Commonwealth of Dominica.

Commonwealth of Dominica


It is near Guadeloupe to the northwest and Martinique to the south-southeast.


About 750km2

Capital (approximate population)



Approximately 72,000 people

Racial Composition

86.6% Black (African), 9.1% Mixed Race, 2.9% Carinago, 1.3% European or Other




About 94% Christian


A diverse and wide range of people, such as Europeans and Africans, have shaped the culture.
- Titou Gorge
- Champagne Beach
- Middleham Falls
- Mero Beach
- Boiling Lake


Education up to secondary school is compulsory.
- Dominica State College
- All Saints University Dominica - School of Medicine

- Public Library and Museum

Overview of Modern and Contemporary History of the Commonwealth of Dominica

1805 become a British colony
1831 Great Britain grants political and social rights to free non-whites (mainly free people of color who were of mixed ancestry from Africa and Europe)
1834 abolition of slavery
1838 Established a black-controlled legislature
1896 Britain reestablishes Crown Colonial Government
1958-62 Joined the Commonwealth of the British West Indies
1960 UK grants Dominica autonomy
1978 independence
1979 Hurricane damage
1980 hit by another hurricane
1981 2 failed coups
1983 Participated in the US invasion of Grenada
1999 Hurricane damage
2004 Severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of China agrees to economic aid. earthquake damage
2007 99% of bananas lost in hurricanes


It is a Commonwealth Republic of the United Kingdom with a parliamentary democracy. The head of state is the president and the prime minister is the head of government. The parliament is unicameral.
- Government House
- High Court of Justice

GDP per capita



It depends on financial services and agriculture, especially banana production.

North America

United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba , Jamaica, Haiti , Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Antigua 惻Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados

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