
World Region Information --- United States Information

United States Information

We are researching regional information for United States. The United States is the third most populous country in the world, located in the center of the North American continent. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to United States.

United States Information


The mainland of the United States is bordered by Canada to the north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Also separated from the mainland are Alaska to the west of Canada, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the US Virgin Islands in the Pacific Ocean.


9,628,000 km2 (approximately 25 times that of Japan)

Capital (approximate population)

Washington, D.C.(600,000)

Business-related cities other than Washington, D.C. (approximate population)

New York(8.18 million), Los Angeles(3.79 million), Chicago(2.7 million), Houston(2.1 million), Philadelphia(1.53 million), Phoenix(1.45 million), San Antonio(1.33 million), San Diego(1.31 million), Dallas(1.2 million), etc.


approximately 328 million

Racial Composition

Caucasian 76.5%, Black 13.4%, Asian 5.9%, Other (multiracial) 2.7%, Native American 1.3%, Pacific Islander 0.2%


English is the de facto national language. Other Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc.


Protestant (48.5%), Catholic (22.7%), Mormonism (1.8%), No religion (21.3%), Judaism (2.1%), Islam (0.8%), Other non-Abrahamic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) , Sikhism, etc.) (2.9%)


Western culture dominated by immigrants from Europe
- Mount Rushmore
- Seattle Aquarium
- Venice Beach
- Mesa Verde
- Faneuil Hall Marketplace
- Kennedy Space Center
- Navy Pier
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- San Antonio River Walk
- Carlsbad Caverns National Park
- Bryce Canyon National Park
- Jackson Square
- Red Rock Country, Sedona
- Walt Disney World Resort
- Yosemite National Park
- Denali National Park
- Las Vegas Strip
- Florida Keys
- Kilauea
- Niagara Falls
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Yellowstone National Park
- Empire State Building
- Grand Canyon National Park


It consists of public schools, private schools, and home schools.
- California Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- Stanford University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT
- Princeton University
- University of California, Berkeley
- Yale University
- The University of Chicago
- Columbia University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA
- Cornell University
- Duke University
- Northwestern University
- University of Michigan

- Library of Congress

Overview of Modern and Contemporary History of the United States

1861-65 Civil War
1917-18 World War I intervention
1920 League of Nations established (United States not participating)
1920 Prohibition enacted
1929 Great Depression begins due to Wall Street stock market crash
1933 New Deal policy by President Franklin Roosevelt, abolition of Prohibition
1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese bombers
1945 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender of Japan
1947 The Cold War with the Soviet Union begins
1948 Marshall Plan takes effect
1950-53 Korean War
1955-75 Vietnam War
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1963J. F. Assassination of President Kennedy 1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
1972 President Nixon visits China
1973 Vietnam Ceasefire Agreement
1974 Nixon resigns after Watergate scandal
1979-81 Iranian Embassy hostage crisis
1986 Explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger, Bombing of Libya, Iran-Contra scandal
1989 US invasion of Panama
1990-91 Gulf War (war with Iraq that started with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait) 1992 The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is passed
1995 Oklahoma bombings by far-right activists
2001 Simultaneous suicide bombings by terrorist groups, Commencement of the War on Terrorism, Massive airstrikes in Afghanistan
2003 Space Shuttle Columbia Disintegration Accident
2003-2011 Iraq War
2008 International financial market turmoil due to Lehman Brothers bankruptcy
2013 Edward Snowden Escape to Russia
2018 President Trump meets North Korean leader Kim Jong Un


It is the oldest federal government and is considered the representative of democracy. The legislative body consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the president is the executive body, and the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts are the judiciary.
- The White House
- United States Capitol
- Supreme Court of the United States

GDP per capita

$65,112 (2019)


It is the world's largest importer and the world's second largest exporter. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Germany are major trading partners.

North America

United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba , Jamaica, Haiti , Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Antigua 惻Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados

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