
World Region Information --- Honduras Information


We are researching the area information of Honduras. The Republic of Honduras is a country in Central America. We will feature information that seems to be good to know when advancing to Honduras.



It is bordered by Guatemala to the west, El Salvador to the southwest, and Nicaragua to the southeast. To the south is the Pacific Ocean's Fonseca Bay, and to the north is Honduras Bay.


Approx. 112,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)

Tegucigalpa(One million)

Business-related cities other than Tegucigalpa (approximate population)

San Pedro Sula(600,000), etc.


about 9.59 million people

Racial Composition

90% Mestizo, 7% American Indian, Other




87% Christian


There are diverse ethnic cultures in Latin America.
- Roatan Bay Islands
- Ruinas de Copan
- Utila
- Parque Nacional La Tigra
- Lago Yojoa
- Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Meambar
- Cayos Cochino Grande
- Jardin Botanico Lancetilla
- Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve
- Museo Para La Identidad Nacional
- Cusuco National Park
- Carambola Gardens
- Little French Key


There are preschool education, primary education (9 years), secondary education, and university education. The national literacy rate is about 83.6%.
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras
- Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Francisco Morazan
- Universidad Catolica de Honduras


Overview of modern and contemporary history of Honduras

1821 Independence from Spain but incorporated into the Mexican Empire
1823 Part of the Central American Union along with Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica
1840 Completely independent as Honduras
1932-49 right-wing dictatorship of the Honduras National Party
1963 coup d'etat. Establishment of military government
1969 War with El Salvador (Football War)
1978 coup d'etat
1980 Peace treaty signed with El Salvador
1981 Establishment of a civilian government
1982 US-manual rebel Contras begin attacking Nicaragua from Honduras territory (Second Nicaraguan War, Contra War)
1998 severely damaged by Hurricane Mitch
2002 Re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba
2003 Agreed on a free trade agreement with the United States
2004 Honduras forces withdraw from Iraq
2009 Military coup ousted president


It is a presidential democratic republic. The president is the head of state and head of government. The parliament is bicameral. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly of Honduras.
- Casa Presidencial de Honduras
- Superior Court of Accounts

GDP per capita



Exports of coffee, bananas and farmed shrimp are the dominant economies. Although we have abundant natural resources, environmental destruction is becoming more serious.

North America

United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba , Jamaica, Haiti , Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Antigua 惻Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados

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