
World Region Information --- Estonia Information


We are researching local information about Estonia. Estonia is a country on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Estonia.



It faces the Gulf of Finland to the north and Finland to the north. It faces the Baltic Sea to the west and Sweden further west. It borders Latvia to the south and Russia to the east.


Approx. 45,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)


Business-related cities other than Tallinn (approximate population)

Tartu(97,000), Narva(55,000), Parnu(51,000), etc.


about 1.33 million people

Racial Composition

68.5% Estonian, 24.8% Russian, 1.8% Ukrainian, 0.9% Belarus, 0.6% Finnish, Others


Estonian is the official language


The largest religion is Christianity, with very few non-Christian adherents (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.). However, the majority of those who answered that they had no religion and those who did not answer about their faith accounted for the majority.


In addition to indigenous traditions such as saunas, it has been influenced by Finnish, Baltic, Slavic, Germanic traditions, Swedish and Russian influences.
- Kuressaare Episcopal Castle
- Lennusadam
- Eesti Rahva Muuseum(Estonian National Museum)
- Teaduskeskus AHHAA


The education system has four levels: preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary. It is known for the quality of its education system and its high degree completion rate.
- Tartu Ulikool(University of Tartu)
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Tallinna Ulikool(Tallinn University)

- National Library of Estonia

Overview of modern and contemporary history of Estonia

1918 declaration of independence
1920 Peace treaty signed with Russia
1940 Soviet troops enter. annexed to the Soviet Union
1941 German army invades
1944 The Soviet Union re-annexes Estonia. Forced migration begins
1988 singing revolution
1991 Collapse of the communist system. Soviet Union recognizes Baltic independence
2004 NATO Membership, EU Membership
2011 euro introduction


It is a republican country. The parliament is unicameral. The president is the head of state and the government is headed by the prime minister.
- Riigikogu(Parliament)
- Vabariigi Presidendi Kantselei(Office of the President of the Republic)
- Riigikohus(The Supreme Court of Estonia)

GDP per capita

$24,802 (2020)


As a member of the European Union, Estonia is considered a high-income economy by the World Bank. As a nation that has grown rapidly in the 21st century, it is sometimes called the "Baltic Tiger" along with Lithuania and Latvia.


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Iceland, Belarus, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, Andorra, Kosovo, San Marino, Vatican, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco

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