
World Region Information --- Latvia Information


We are researching local information in Latvia. Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. We will feature information that seems good to know when entering Latvia.



It borders Estonia to the north, the Russian Federation to the east, Belarus to the southeast, and Lithuania to the south. The Gulf of Riga lies in the northwest of the country and faces the Baltic Sea to the west.


Approx. 65,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)


Business-related cities other than Riga (approximate population)

Daugavpils(93,000), Liepaja(77,000), etc.


about 1.92 million

Racial Composition

62.3% Latvian, 24.9% Russian, 3.2% Belarus, 2.2% Ukrainian, etc.


Latvian is the official language


Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox, etc.


With over 1,000 years of history, Latvia's uniquely beautiful and diverse culture is alive and well.
- Gaujas Nacionalais parks
- Rundales pils
- Turaida Museum Reserve
- Cesu pils


Two years of pre-primary education and nine years of primary education are free and compulsory.
- Latvijas Universitate
- Rigas Tehniska universitate
- Riga Stradins University

- Latvijas Nacionala biblioteka

Overview of modern and contemporary history of Latvia

1918 declaration of independence
1920 Peace treaty signed with Russia
1940 incorporated into the Soviet Union
1990 declaration of restoration of independence
1991 Soviet Union recognizes Baltic independence
2004 NATO Membership, EU Membership
2014 euro introduction


It is a multi-party parliamentary democratic republic. The parliament is unicameral. The head of state is the president, and the government is run by the prime minister.
- Rigas pils
- The Parliament of Latvia - Latvijas Republikas Saeima
- Latvijas Republikas Augstaka tiesa

GDP per capita



It grew rapidly after 2000, but fell sharply in 2008-09, then recovered and grew from 2013 onwards.


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Iceland, Belarus, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, Andorra, Kosovo, San Marino, Vatican, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco

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