
World Region Information --- Italy Information


We are researching the regional information of Italy. Italy is a predominantly peninsular country in the south of Central Europe. We will feature information that seems good to know when expanding into Italy.



It borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia to the north. It occupies the entire Italian peninsula and includes Sicily, Sardinia and other Mediterranean islands. The two sovereign states of San Marino and Vatican City are enclaves within Italy.


About 300,000km2

Capital (approximate population)

Rome(4.34 million)

Business-related cities outside Rome (approximate population)

Milan(3.21 million), Naples(3.11 million), Turin(2.82 million), Palermo(1.27 million), Bari(1.26 million), Catania(1.12 million), Florence(1.11 million), Bologna(1.01 million), Genoa(850,000), Venice(860,000), etc.


Approximately 60.32 million people

Racial Composition

91.5% Italians, other 8.5%


Italian is the official language


78% Roman Catholic, 15% secular, 7.0% other
- Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore
- Basilica di San Marco
- Duomo di Milano
- Santa Maria delle Grazie
- Basilica of San Vitale
- Basilica di San Francesco di Assisi
- Duomo of Orvieto


It is a region that has played a central role in Western culture, producing countless artists, architects, musicians, literary figures, and researchers.
- Colosseo
- Canal Grande
- Parco Archeologico di Pompei
- Torre di Pisa
- Lake Como
- Costiera Amalfitana
- Cinque Terre
- Gallerie degli Uffizi
- Pantheon
- Foro Romano
- Isola di Capri
- Arena di Verona
- Isola d'Elba
- Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
- Palazzo Ducale
- Fontana di Trevi
- La Pelosa
- Sassi di Matera


There is free compulsory education from 6 to 16 years old. Primary education is 8 years and secondary education is 5 years.
- Politecnico di Milano
- Scuola Normale Superiore
- Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
- Universita di Bologna
- Sapienza Universita di Roma
- University of Padua
- Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele
- Universita di Trento
- Universita degli Studi di Milano
- Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
- Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

- Biblioteca Angelica
- Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma
- Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

Overview of Modern and Contemporary Italian History

1861 Founding of the Kingdom of Italy
1914-18 World War I
1915 Italy abandons the Tripartite Pact and joins the war on the side of the Allies
1919 Acquisition of Trentino, South Tyrol and Trieste from Austria-Hungary in peace treaty
1922 Mussolini takes power
1935 Italo-Ethiopian War
1936 ally with Nazi Germany
1939 Annexation of Albania
1939-45 Second World War
1940 Participate in World War II
1943 Allied invasion of Sicily, collapse of Mussolini regime, declaration of war on Germany
1946 Transition from monarchy to republic
1948 Enforcement of new constitution
1951 Joined the European Coal and Steel Community
1957 Become a founding member of the European Economic Community (EEC)
2002 euro introduction


It is a republican state. The parliament is bicameral. The head of state is the President, and an appointed Prime Minister carries out executive duties.
- Palazzo di Montecitorio
- Palazzo del Quirinale
- Palazzo Madama
- Corte Suprema di Cassazione

GDP per capita

$32,947 (2019)


It is a developed country with the third largest economy in the Eurozone.


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Iceland, Belarus, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, Andorra, Kosovo, San Marino, Vatican, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco

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