
World Region Information --- Spain Information


We are researching the regional information of Spain. Spain is a country located on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Spain.



It is the fourth largest country in Europe. Both Europe and Africa have territories. It is bordered by Portugal to the west, Gibraltar and Morocco to the south, and Andorra and France to the northeast.


Approx. 506,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)

Madrid(3.17 million)

Business-related cities other than Madrid (approximate population)

Barcelona(1.6 million), Valencia(790,000), Seville(700,000), Zaragoza(670,000), Malaga(570,000), Murcia(440,000), パルマ(400,000), etc.


Approximately 46.73 million people

Racial Composition

Spanish 90%, other 10%


Spanish is the official and national language


69% Catholic, 27% No religion, etc.
- Sagrada Familia
- Mezquita-Catedral
- Catedral de Sevilla
- Catedral de Santiago de Compostela


It is one of the main Latin cultural countries in Europe, with a strong Roman heritage.
- Generalife
- Plaza Mayor
- Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciencies
- Las Ramblas
- Volcano Teide


There is free compulsory education from 6 to 16 years old.
- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Universitat de Barcelona
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- Complutense University of Madrid
- Universidad de Navarra
- Universitat de Valencia
- Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla
- Universidad de Granada
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Deustuko Unibertsitatea
- Universidad Nebrija

- Biblioteca Nacional de Espana

Overview of Modern and Contemporary Spanish History

1805 Napoleon's invasion of Spain
1807-1814 French occupation, Spanish War of Independence
1931 Second Republic
1936-39 Spanish Civil War
1939 Franco regime begins
1955 Join the United Nations
1968 Equatorial Guinea becomes independent
1975 Franco dies. He becomes King Juan Carlos. Spain moves from dictatorship to democracy, withdraws from Sahara
1978 New constitution enacted
1986 Joined the European Economic Community
2002 Euro introduced


A new constitution in 1978 established the transition to democracy. Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament. The executive branch is headed by the Prime Minister.
- Palacio Real de Madrid
- Congreso de los Diputados
- Senado de Espana
- Palacio de la Moncloa
- Tribunal Constitucional de Espana

GDP per capita

$30,734 (2020)


It is a capitalist mixed economy with the 14th largest economy in the world.


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Iceland, Belarus, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, Andorra, Kosovo, San Marino, Vatican, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco

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