
World Region Information --- Ukraine Information --- Kyiv --- National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is a university in Kyiv, Ukraine. The mission of the university is to create, systematize, preserve and disseminate current scientific knowledge in order to improve the quality of life of people. To that end they train professionals with European and global intelligence and personal development.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Iceland, Belarus, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, Andorra, Kosovo, San Marino, Vatican, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco

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