
World Region Information --- Republic of the Congo Information

Republic of the Congo

We are researching regional information for the Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo is a country on the west coast of Central Africa. We will feature information that seems good to know when entering the Republic of the Congo.

Republic of the Congo


Gabon to the west, Cameroon to the northwest, and the Central African Republic to the northeast. To the southeast is the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and to the south is the Angolan enclave of Cabinda. The southwest faces the Atlantic Ocean.


Approx. 342,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)

Brazzaville(1.37 million)

Business-related cities other than Brazzaville (approximate population)

Pointe-Noire(720,000), etc.


about 5.24 million people

Racial Composition

Congo, Sangha, Teke, Mbotch, Others


French is official language


Christianity 88%, Indigenous faith 5%, Other
- Basilique Sainte-Anne du Congo


It has a diverse culture based on traditional beliefs and lifestyles.
- Nouabale-Ndoki National Park
- Conkouati-Douli Park
- Pointe Indienne
- Diosso Gorge
- Lesio-Louna Reserve
- Memorial Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza


Education between the ages of 6 and 16 is compulsory and free and is conducted in French, imitating the French system.
- Universite Marien Ngouabi
- Universite de Loango

- Bibliotheque nationale du Congo

Overview of Modern and Contemporary History of the Republic of the Congo

1876 French colonization
1882 French Congo
1910 Become part of French Equatorial Africa
1960 Officially independent as Republic of the Congo
1979 renamed the People's Republic of the Congo
1991 Renamed Republic of the Congo
1993-94 First civil war
1997-99 second civil war
2002 Constitutional amendment
2015 Constitutional amendment


It is a semi-presidential republic. The head of state is the president and the head of government is the prime minister. The parliament is bicameral.
- Palais presidentiel
- Assemblee Nationale
- Cour constitutionnelle

GDP per capita



Exports of timber, oil and mineral resources are the main economy.


South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, Cameroon, Ghana , Burkina Faso, Congo Republic, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya , Sudan, South Sudan, Guinea, Senegal, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Eswatini, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Benin, Togo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Cape Verde

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