
World Region Information --- Cote d'Ivoire Information

Cote d'Ivoire

We are researching local information on the Cote d'Ivoire. The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire is a country located on the southern coast of West Africa. We will feature information that seems good to know when advancing to Cote d'Ivoire.

Cote d'Ivoire


It is bordered by Guinea to the northwest, Liberia to the west, Mali to the northwest, Burkina Faso to the northeast, and Ghana to the east. To the south it faces the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean).


Approx. 322,000 km2

Capital (approximate population)


Business-related cities other than Yamoussoukro (approximate population)

Abidjan(4.4 million), Bouake(537,000), etc.


Approximately 26.38 million people

Racial Composition

Akan, Kru, Mande, etc.




Islam, Christianity, Traditional Religions, etc.
- Basilique Notre-Dame de la Paix


It has the cultural and historical character of over 60 indigenous ethnic groups.
- Le Musee des Civilisations de Cote d'Ivoire
- Zoo National d'Abidjan
- Stade de la paix de Bouake


Adult literacy is low and education faces many challenges. A large portion of the adult population, especially women, is illiterate. Many children aged 6-10 do not attend school.
- Universite Jean Lorougnon Guede
- Universite Nangui Abrogoua
- Universite Alassane Ouattara
- Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet-Boigny

- Bibliotheque Nationale de la Cote d'Ivoire

Cote d'Ivoire Modern and Contemporary History Overview

1843-44 As a protectorate of France, gradually expanding its control from the coast to the interior
1893 become a colony of France
1904Cote d'Ivoire becomes part of French West Africa
1944 Founding of the African Farmers Union, the predecessor of the Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Party
1958 Joining the French Community
1960 Independence as the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
1990 Multiparty elections (legalized by opposition parties)
1999 military coup
2001 attempted coup
2002 Disturbance by some soldiers develops into a full-scale rebellion
2003 peace agreement
2004 Repression and clashes of anti-presidential rallies. Dispatch of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force
2007 signing the peace agreement
2008 Soaring food prices. elimination of tariffs
2010 Violent Conflict Evolves from Presidential Election Results
2011 Reconciliation and Dialogue Committee was established, and the situation was settled.
2014 UN Security Council lifts embargo on diamond trade. Diamond export resumed


It is a presidential republic. The parliament is unicameral.
- Les Palais Presidentiels

GDP per capita



The West African region has a relatively high per capita income and is the largest economy in the West African Economic and Monetary Union.


South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, Cameroon, Ghana , Burkina Faso, Congo Republic, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya , Sudan, South Sudan, Guinea, Senegal, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Eswatini, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Benin, Togo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Cape Verde

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