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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Material Civilization

Material Civilization

A material civilization is a civilization that believes that matter is omnipotent. In material civilization, the criteria for judging affluence are materials with social value, that is, wealth, and it is considered rich to own many types of wealth, such as cars, mansions, real estate, profit-generating movable properties, and money. . In material civilization, it is said that people seek affluence, technology advances, and the standard of living rises. On the other hand, it is said that scramble for wealth and conflicts will increase, and social conflicts and mental corruption will easily occur.

Material Civilization

Modern Western civilization is said to be a material civilization. It is said that the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of productivity that began with the Industrial Revolution created many products in the world and contributed to the material enrichment of people.
On the other hand, it is said that people's spirits were ruined because they pursued only material affluence. People scramble for wealth, conflicts break out, and even wars between nations. Those who covet wealth are corrupted, and injustice and deceit prevail. In a world ruled by money and power, many people will suffer.
In material civilization, productivity increases. If mechanization and automation progress and work hours can be reduced, that amount can be used as time for mental activities. In other words, if people have more free time in material civilization, they should be able to become spiritually rich.
However, it seems that this is not always the case. Greedy people try to get rich by stealing other people's wealth. In a highly competitive society, if you don't keep working, you will lose out to your rivals. In a society where inequality is widening, wealth is monopolized by a minority, and many suffer from long working hours and poverty.
Being materially rich is important. However, due to competition based on desire, excessive competition, widening disparities, etc., many people suffer and are unable to become rich not only materially but also spiritually. Material civilization does not necessarily make people happy and does not make society brighter.

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