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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Populism


Populism is about representing the general public and taking the policies they want with their support. Populism is about protecting the interests and rights of the general public without favoring the elite or the privileged class. Populism is a political ideology that uses democratic methods to overthrow the ruling class and achieve control by the general public, who were the ruled class, without resorting to violent revolution.


Politicians elected by populism pander to the masses and scathingly criticize the elite and privileged classes. Politicians elected by populism are severely criticized by the elites and privileged classes because they are trying to bring down the elites and privileged classes. When populism rises, the structure of social conflict becomes apparent, and the exchange of criticism and criticism intensifies, further deepening social conflict.
Populism emerges when elites and privileged classes have been in power for a long time and popular dissatisfaction is on the rise. Prolonged rule by elites and privileged classes makes it easier for corruption and corruption to progress, worsening national finances and repeating tax increases. The ruling class also controls the media to try to deceive the general public into turning their attention to foreign aggression and so on. But as public dissatisfaction grows, it becomes more and more difficult to cover up. Politicians elected by populism have their own way of communicating with the general public and garnering support.
Politicians elected by populism run the risk of being dragged down by populism. You never know when the public will change their minds. It is dangerous if we do not notice changes in public sentiment, and we are criticized for being inconsistent even if our policies change over and over because we pander to the changing public sentiment. A politician who was enthusiastically supported a while ago may suddenly lose support due to the appearance of a new star politician.
Populism can be said to be a model of democratic politics in terms of maximizing the opinions of the general public. However, the rise of populism is likely to intensify social conflicts and destabilize politics.

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