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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Hatred and Agitation

Hatred and Agitation

Hate is to despise and dislike someone. Incitement is the act of persuading others to take action. Hate and sedition have often made the world go round. Many of the political changes and revolutions in history have started with small acts of hatred and agitation. Hatred and agitation stir the masses and develop into a gigantic movement.

Hatred and Agitation

Hate and agitation are most effective when people are frustrated and stressed. When frustration and stress accumulate, people seek some outlet. Hating and attacking someone is an easy outlet for frustration and stress. Empathize with the act of hating someone else out of dissatisfaction with your circumstances. Engaging in agitation to distract from the real causes of stress. In this way, more and more people join the movement of hatred and agitation, and the movement itself becomes bigger and bigger.
It would be nice if a bad political system was overthrown by a revolutionary movement that started with hatred and agitation, and then a better society was created, but that is not always the case. In some cases, people will be repressed and oppressed more than ever by the new power system, and society will become cold and dark. Hate and agitation can make society worse as a result.
The question is whether those who use hatred and agitation to sway people, manipulate movements, and thereby seize power will really create a better society after they seize power. Of course, they will agitate people while promising to create a better society. However, once power is in the palm of your hand, the ideal society that the public expects will not come. From the beginning, it may be a mistake to expect that people who are trying to seize power through hatred and agitation will build a better society.
Hatred and agitation can be the energy that drives society. Since a large amount of energy is required to move a nation and society, many people think that hatred and agitation are the quickest way to change society. In particular, people with a desire for quick access to power are more likely to use hatred and agitation.
People must be very vigilant against the schemes of those who use hatred and agitation for their desire for power. It is not uncommon for the people to be horrified as a result of the people moving society through hatred and agitation.

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