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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Democracy


Democracy is politics that is carried out by democracy. A democracy is a political system in which all citizens of a country are equal and the citizens have the right to vote to elect representatives of the government. Democracy is said to be politics of the people, by the people, for the people. In other words, what is respected in democracy is the will of the people. Indirect democracy, where political power is exercised by elected government representatives, is adopted in many countries of the world today.


Democracy is now seen as a superior political system that reflects the opinions of the majority of the people, as opposed to former dictatorships, aristocracies ruled by privileged aristocrats, or feudalism. However, the current democracy faces many challenges.
Government representatives are elected. If elections were perfectly fair and just, those with political policies that the majority of the public would like to win would win the majority of the votes. If there is unfairness or fraud in elections, there is a risk that people who should not be elected will be elected, leading to distorted politics.
During elections, aspiring politicians make various promises to the public and appeal to them to vote for them. However, once elected, politicians sometimes do not live up to their promises. They may also initiate policies that the public does not want. Democratically elected representatives start politics that do not match the will of the people.
The opinion of the majority of the people may not necessarily be a good policy for the nation. In fact, if we adopt only the policies that the people want, it may not be possible to run the country. In addition, the public is easily influenced by sedition and propaganda, and opinions can change greatly depending on the prevailing climate of the time.
A lot of people don't look closely at the pledges of candidates, and choose people based on their image. In elections, it is said that people with high name recognition, such as celebrities and actors, and people who are good at speaking are advantageous. It is said that people who are good at deceiving others with words are more likely to become politicians.
When a nation is stagnant, people try to choose a leader with a strong image. However, if a leader is too strong and aggressive, in some cases, the elected representatives will forcefully promote centralization, xenophobia, attacks on foreign countries, and even start building a dictatorship. In fact, elected leaders often act dictatorially.
There are also forces that try to influence election results with the power of money. Those who want to promote so-called plutocracy create a vested interest structure, control the media, and influence school education to obtain and stabilize government. When the plutocracy stabilizes, the election results will be distorted, and while it is called democracy, it will become a politics like an aristocracy ruled by a specific privileged class group.
Democracy has many challenges and problems. Democracy needs to be reviewed in various ways so that the majority of the people do not become unhappy.

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