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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Capitalism and Communism

Capitalism and Communism

Capitalism is a social system in which capitalists with private property and means of production use labor to produce goods and services and pursue profits. In addition, communism is a doctrine that does not allow capitalists to own property and means of production, but rather shares them throughout society and aims for an equal society without class or discrimination. Capitalism is a social system that became mainstream with the collapse of the feudal system, while communism is an idea born from criticism of the exploitation of labor by capitalists under capitalism, the widening gap between rich and poor, and class discrimination.

Capitalism and Communism

Both capitalism and communism are ideas that originated in the West. Our society will not develop well under either principle. Because they have one big problem in common.
One of the big problems with capitalism and communism is that both doctrines result in cold societies that don't warm people's hearts. We cannot create a heartwarming society in which people help each other, appreciate each other, and give way to each other.
Ultimately, capitalism is a society in which capitalists exploit workers and engage in a dog-eat-dog fight with other capitalists for their own self-interest. The disparity and discrimination between the rich and the poor are rampant there, and people are praised for kicking others down. People's hearts are devastated in a society where the strong coldly rule over the weak.
On the other hand, communism ultimately confiscates all personal assets and means of production by the state, and production activities are carried out under the state plan. When individuals are no longer free to act, people simply obey the state's orders. Not only will people lose the desire to get things done, but the state will become too centralized and prone to corruption. In a communist society, people are coldly ruled by the state, and their hearts are devastated.
Neither capitalism, which unrestrainedly desires power and money, nor communism, which seeks to nationalize everything, will not contribute to the creation of a better society if they proceed as they are.

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