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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Hate Speech

Hate Speech

Hate speech generally refers to unfair discriminatory language and behavior that seeks to exclude specific foreign nationals, people of specific ethnic groups and nationalities who are legally residing in the country. Hate speech speakers are trying to incite people to ostracize the specific foreigners they are attacking.

Hate Speech

Hate and agitation sometimes make a big difference in society. Rampant discrimination and social rifts often begin with inflammatory activities aimed at hating and ostracizing someone. Riots, civil wars, revolutions, and wars are more likely to arise from discrimination and social rifts. It would be nice if society changed so that the world would be more peaceful and people would be happier, but the incitement by hate speech seems to move society in the wrong direction.
People want to make someone bad. It is their fault that our lives are difficult due to heavy taxes and high prices. It's their responsibility that security is bad and you can't live with peace of mind. In this way, we can feel better if we blame the "bad guys" for something that doesn't go our way.
In some cases, politicians and those in power may lead the general public to believe that foreigners and others are "bad guys" in order to cover up their own corruption and policy failures. By drawing attention to foreigners, they try to cover up their responsibility and divert attention from the real problem.
"Hate" does not make the world a better place. Hate and agitation tend to create rampant discrimination and social rifts, resulting in more suffering for the general public.

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